🚬Metamorphic Evening

377 16 37

7th February, 2004.

I took a deep breath as I reread the letter, it was an invitation to the facility's event party due to a successful research. I smiled as I held it tightly, I was so excited but also nervous. I've only been working in this facility for about a week now, I already made friends with a few of my coworkers, and I excitedly talked to my parents on the phone about it. They were still in Poland.

Since this is an event party, I figured I'd probably have to wear something nice. I couldn't just show up in a flannel and jeans. I needed to buy a suit. Maybe I could ask my girlfriend for some advice. I flipped my cellphone open, and I dialed her number. "..." I looked down at the letter in my hand and waited for her to answer.
"Hey! It's Stacy! I'm not available right now, leave a me-!" I immediately shut my cellphone before hearing the rest of the voicemail. I sighed, she's never available. I slouched down on my couch, I couldn't even remember the last time we went on a date. It felt like she was just a regular friend of mine instead of my girlfriend. Well, picking out a suit on my own won't be too hard I guess. I got my keys and my wallet, I slipped my jacket on and walked out.

It was around 18:34PM, I was adjusting my suit in front of the mirror. I really liked how it looked on me, I made sure to brush my hair and apply some nice perfume. I was a bit basic with my choice, so I just went with cologne. Suddenly, my cellphone started to ring. I picked it up and answered, it was Sean. "Hey dude! Just wanted to ask, at what time are you showing up to the event party?" He asked. Sean was also a doctor on my team as well, he was actually one of the first people I met this week. He's very kind and considerate.
"I just got ready, I think I'll be there hopefully by 18:55PM. If traffic isn't too bad of course."
"Alright, let's meet in front of the building, I think I'll be there at the same time as well."
"Okay, sure!"
"See you!"
I hung up the call and placed my phone back on the table. I took another deep breath as I looked back at the mirror and fixed myself up again. I tried to contain how excited I was.

I quickly parked my car, I was already running a little late. I rushed out and saw Sean waiting for me, I sighed in relief and ran up to him. "Hey! Sorry for keeping you waiting, traffic was a mess." I apologized as I tried to catch my breath. He simply chuckled and pat me on the shoulder. "Don't worry about it man, I just got here as well. Now come on, let's not wait any longer." He excitedly said with a bright smile. I smiled back and we both made our way to the entrance. As soon as we stepped in there, I was already amazed. There were so many people, so many lights, food, drinks, bars, and most importantly, loud music. "Wanna get some drinks over there!?"
"What was that!?"
"I said, wanna go get some drinks over there!!??" I exclaimed, this time much louder.
"Yeah!!" He replied.

We got ourselves some drinks, and just chatted for the most part. We even met up with a few of our friends. "So, how do you like the place so far?" Sean asked as he took another sip of his drink. "It's cool. Everyone's so nice and helpful, it's always been my dream to work in a place like this. Just a little worried about certain expectations.." I answered. He smiled at my response. "I'm glad you feel that way. And hey, don't even worry about anything. You worked hard to get here and you deserve to celebrate now. Cheers!" He exclaimed with a smile as he raised his cup. I raised mine as well. "Cheers!"

After a bit more chatting, we both started to get a little bored. Sean looked around the area and tried to find someone he recognized. He stopped as his eyes landed on a certain person, at one of the bars. "Oh! I know! We can go talk to Zander. He's one of my friends, and we're also in the same band." He explained as he turned to me. "Alright, sounds good to me." I replied. We started walking, it was tough to follow each other since it was really crowded and you couldn't see all that well from the bright lights.

At the bar it was more quiet and the lights weren't so eyestraining like before. "Finally, we're here." Sean said. We turned around a corner and I saw a group of people talking to one another while standing with drinks in their hands. One person in particular stood out the most to me. He was just...absolutely stunning. Something about him was just so special. We came closer to the group and Sean greeted them all. Most of the other coworkers said their goodbyes and already left, it was getting pretty late anyway. "So, Luke, this is Zander. Zander, this is Luke." Sean introduced us both. Zander...his name had a nice ring to it, a good taste. He extended his hand and I reached out mine, I shook his hand and smiled. I felt nervous doing so, he was a really attractive guy. He even had a slit eyebrow, wow.

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now