☕Café Fleurir

270 11 36

8th February, 2004.

I opened my eyes, adjusting them to the bright light coming from the window. I slowly got up, I realized I was still wearing the same suit from yesterday. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, "I should probably change first before doing anything." I quietly said to myself as I yawned. I got up and made my way to my closet, I looked around for something comfortable to wear at home. While I was looking around, I remembered, I was supposed to call Zander today. Hopefully, also meet up with him. I smiled to myself as I got a pair of comfortable clothes. I changed and went to the kitchen, grabbing my cellphone along the way.

I made myself some coffee and sat down in the dining room. I looked out the window, it was quite sunny today. But of course, it was still chilly because it's February. I looked at the clock and saw that it was already 11:16AM. I usually wake up early, but giving how much alcohol I drank last night, and how late I stayed up, I think I understand why I woke up so late. I picked up my cellphone, 'I hope he's awake by now.' I thought to myself as I nervously dialed Zander's number. "..." I waited.

"Hello?" He picked up, I could already feel myself getting excited.
"Hey! It's Luke, from the event party. You wrote your number on a cigarette yesterday." I chuckled as I replied. He shortly laughed as well.
"Oh right, hey Luke. I completely forgot about that."
"Don't worry about it, how are you?"
"I'm good, just still a little tired from yesterday. You know, with the alcohol and staying up late." He responded, his voice was raspy. I'm assuming he had recently woken up.
"Yeah I get it, I just woke up actually. I usually wake up pretty early."
"I usually wake up around this time or even later. I'm..not a morning person."
I chuckled, I could feel my face start to heat up. I couldn't tell why, I was just so happy and excited to talk to him. It was just simple small talk after all, and I was absolutely ecstatic.

"Say, are you free today?" I asked abruptly.
"Let me see...yeah. I have no plans today, why?"
"I was thinking we could maybe meet up somewhere today? And get to know each other better. I'm thinking Café Fleurir."
"Oh sure! I'd love to! I go to that café pretty often." He replied enthusiastically.
I smiled, and I was even more excited now.
"You wanna meet up at 16:00PM?" I asked.
"Sure, that works for me."
"Alright, great. I'll see you then."
"See you."

I hung up. I placed my cellphone down on the table and took a deep breath. I'm gonna see him again today, goodness. I can't wait.


"See you." I said as I hung up the call. I placed my cellphone back in my pocket and smiled to myself. I'm finally gonna get to know him better. Luke is such a sweet and considerate guy, I'm surprised I was able to pull off even talking to him last night. Suddenly, my phone rang. I picked it up, it was Hailey.
"Hey Zander! How have you been?"
"I've been alright, you?"
"Good, what are you up to?"
I sighed, "Hailey, do you want something?"
"Whaaat? No, can't I just ask how my brother's doing?"
"You always do this when you want something, just spit it out. What is it?"
"Jeez alright. Okay listen, so, since you're the scientist here, I was thinking. Can you make one of those gadgets for me where it does a job for you?"
"Well, that's oddly specific.."
"I think you've made a similar gadget before."
"Yeah, I'll see what I can do. But maybe wait until tomorrow, I'm busy today."
"Busy with what?"
"None of your business."
"Oh come on, just tell me."
"Fine, I'm meeting up with someone later."
"Ooh! Is it a date?!"
"What!? No!"
"Who's the unlucky guy?"
"Oh my god. Hailey, it's not a date. I'm just meeting up with a friend from work."
"Yeah, yeah. Totally. Just make sure to look nice."

We continued to chat for a few more minutes. Was this really like a date? I mean, I just met the guy yesterday. I should definitely get to know him better first. I decided to just focus on constructing a sketch and finish writing some last notes for the gadget I needed to make for Hailey. I looked down at my watch and realized it was already 15:03PM. One hour until the meetup..

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now