🌏Dystopian World

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8th June, 2004.

Today was the day I was going to see my father again, I anxiously stood outside of the hotel. Today was sunny, I didn't like that. That meant I had to use a ton of sunscreen and overall lotion for my skin, it burns up easily. I looked up as a specific sound caught my attention, I noticed three crows next to each other on a tree branch. The sounds they made reminded me of Queenie, at this point I'm convinced she's dead. No wonder she hasn't flown by my window for the past two months. Just then I noticed a car pull up, the door opened and there he was, my father. He hadn't changed much, his black hair was still short, and his glasses still had that rectangular shape.

I walked up to him, feeling nervous. My stomach started to hurt, I was feeling quite overwhelmed. I stood still as we both looked at each other, he then smiled and reached his arms out, I walked forward and hugged him, burying my face into his shoulder. "Watashi no musuko, anata ni aitakatta." (My boy, I missed you.) He softly said as he caressed the back of my head. I started to tear up, I haven't hugged him in eight years. I've only heard his voice through the phone, and now he was here. Holding me as if I was a child again, I hugged him even tighter, I felt selfish for not wanting to let go soon.

The last time I hugged him I was still only a child, now I've grown into an adult. I still can't help but get emotional, he's my father. "Anata wa totemo hansamuna otoko ni seichō shimashita." (You've grown into such a handsome man.) He chuckled. I couldn't even hold my tears back anymore, he held onto me and made sure to keep me calm. He held onto me with the same arms that always made me feel safe. He felt like my father again, the same father that watched me grow. No matter how tall I grow, or how independent I become, I am, and I will always be my father's child.

I let go and quickly wiped my tears, "Gomen'nasai, otōsan." (I'm sorry, father.) I apologized as I frowned. He smiled and patted my head, "Anata wa sukoshi mo kawatte imasen, aikawarazu no mōshiwakena-sa-sōna reigi tadashī shōnendesu." (You haven't changed a bit, you're still the same apologetic and polite boy.) He proudly said. I smiled back, "Gomen'nasai, hontōni sabishikattadesu." (I'm sorry, I just really missed you.) I apologized again as I looked to the side. "Musuko ni ayamaru hitsuyō wanai. Watashi mo aitakatta. Are kara 8-nen ga tachimashita ne?" (No need to apologize son. I missed you too. It's been..eight years, hasn't it?) He smiled. I only wiped my tears, this felt surreal. He never made fun of me when I cried, no matter how old I was. Sure, he could be strict and a little mean sometimes, but he never crossed the line. He always made sure I was okay with everything, he made me do a lot of activities when I was younger and in highschool.

Fencing and archery were mandatory, I was able to pick out any activity I wanted, under the condition that I'd also do fencing and archery as well. I didn't mind, I actually met a lot of amazing people through those activities, one of them being Hiroshi. "Itsu made mo onaji shinchō no mamada to omotte ita koto o oboete imasu ka? Ima anata o mitekudasai, anata wa watashi no ue ni sobietatte imasu." (Remember how you thought you'd stay the same height forever? Look at you now, you're towering over me.) My father laughed as he remarked on our height differences. Well, he was right. I would be six foot only for just about one inch. I chuckled, "Sōshita katsudō no okage de shinchō ga nobimashita." (I grew tall thanks to all those activities I did.) I smiled. He smiled back and then turned around, he noticed the river. "Mada ishi o tobasu hōhō o shitte imasu ka?" (Do you still know how to skip stones?) He asked. My eyes instantly lit up, I nodded in excitement. We started walking towards the river, I felt so excited, I felt like I was a child again. Like he never left in the first place.


I set my cup of coffee down on the table as I looked over a few paperworks. Today was going to be the same as ever, doing usual church duties. Hearing people's confessions, helping someone with homicide, or simply PVS. I looked up at the wall, there was a huge wooden cross hung up, I remembered the time that scientist, Zander, walked in here and it instantly flipped upside down. That still has me thinking to this day, how could that even be possible? Could there be some demonic possession behind this? That would explain the reason 'something' keeps trying to kill him. Though, I'm more than happy to know the holy water tactic works. My thoughts were shortly interrupted with the sound of the door opening, the wind from the door caused the fire on the candle on my table to get put out. In annoyance, I looked up only to see one of the nuns.

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now