🌊The Sweet Taste of Evil

307 13 250

4th July, 2004.

My eyes harshly opened as I heard the familiar sound of the sea. I shifted around in the soft white sheets before instantly feeling pain in my lower back, I turned to the side of the bed and realized Zander wasn't there. Just then, I slowly and carefully sat up. I was well..only in my boxers under the sheets. I looked around and saw my clothes neatly folded by the edge of the bed, now I finally started to slowly remember what happened last night. I immediately felt my face start to heat up, I finally lost my virginity. And I lost it to my best friend too. I sunk my face into my hands as I groaned, how could this possibly end? There's no way we'd stay friends after this. I mean, you don't just casually make love to your best friend whenever you feel like it. We definitely need to talk about this.

Despite the pleasure and the physical touch, there was a great amount of emotional connection between us that night. It made me feel amazing, ecstatic even. It was so special, the way he handled me with such care..

I sighed as I laid back down, I did enjoy last night though. Was it normal to experience some pain the morning after doing something like that? The better question is, where's Zander? I looked at the wall only to hear a ticking sound, there was a blue clock up there. 09:22AM, this was..very early for Zander. In fact, he usually woke up at 11. I slowly sat up again, and got out of bed. I found my clothes and got dressed, still with a few aches here and there. I looked out of the window as I sat in the small dining area in our apartment, the sea looked lovely. I noticed the motorcycle from yesterday wasn't there anymore, ah..that explains it. As I sipped my coffee, I heard the sound of the door unlocking and opening. I whipped my head towards the sound and saw Zander carrying a few bags. He was wearing long baggy jeans, they had some cool logo on the side. He also wore a t-shirt with a collar, the t-shirt had a simple but stylish design, and he was also wearing his usual Vivienne Westwood necklace again.

"Those look heavy." I chuckled as I pointed towards the bags. He sighed, "They sure are." He set them down on the ground and closed the door again. He picked them up again and started walking towards the dining area, there was also a small kitchen connected to it. He set the bags on the counter and turned around as he leaned against it. "Where were you?" I asked as I placed my cup of coffee down on the table. "I just really wanted to see the sea again. But, I also got a few groceries in the meantime." He smiled. I smiled back, it was difficult to maintain eye contact. I was still a little embarrassed to talk to him, especially after last night. "I also found a very adorable dog and swan by the sea." He started as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Let me guess, you fed them?" I suggested as I leaned my head into my hand. "I couldn't resist.." he sighed.

I smiled. It's like nothing even changed in the first place, this seems like a normal conversation we'd usually have. "Oh uh..by the way." He started. "Hm?" I hummed, I took another sip of my coffee. I was nervous, I knew he was most likely going to bring up last night. "About last night..I didn't go too harsh on you, did I?" He asked as a layer of blush coated his face. "No, no! Not at all! I really enjoyed it actually.." I trailed off as I brought my cup of coffee up to my face. It was true, I really did enjoy last night. But, talking about it was just so embarrassing. This conversation may as well be the one I've been waiting for for so long. Suddenly, I heard the chair next to me move against the floor. Zander sat down and clasped his hands together as he set them down on the table. He looked nervous to say the least, though he still tried to keep himself composed. "I think..this might change our relationship. We really need to talk about this." He suggested, "If you're ready of course." He added as he looked up and turned his gaze at me.

"Yeah, yeah I'm ready." I replied almost immediately. "You know..we can't just kiss and make love whenever. There has to be something more.." I listened carefully. "More than friendship." He said. "You're right. If it's okay with you..I.." I hesitated as I looked away, this was so embarrassing. Yet, it was everything I've ever wanted. "I want to be more than friends." I said boldly. He smiled, he inched closer to me and leaned in, pecking me on the lips. Such a soft kiss, filled with such a heavy meaning. "I think so too. Can I call myself your boyfriend?" He chuckled. He was in a much more happy mood. It made me happy, and it definitely made my face redder than a tomato. I smiled wide, "Of course. Can I call myself yours?"
"Any time, any day." He replied as he held onto both of my hands. He lifted one of my hands up and kissed my knuckles, "I love you." He said quietly. I smiled, I felt like I was going to burst from joy. "I love you too." This was the first time we could say 'I love you' to the other without fearing rejection. I couldn't be happier.

𝑪𝑯𝑬𝑴𝑰𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼𝑹𝑺 (A TMF AU)Where stories live. Discover now