002, daryl dixon to the rescue.

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lilias mother, penny had left to go god knows where and lilia is just sitting in the grass, alone, and scared, she had no idea how longs it's been since her mother left. she heard a car that startled her. It stops and this intimidating man with a crossbow came out of the front seat.

"yer' alone?" the man asks. "yeah, what's your name?" lilia says trying to act tough even though like an hour ago she finally stopped crying. "daryl, daryl dixon. what about you?" he replies not even worried this young child is a threat. "lilia rind I'm seven" she says with a sad look on her face. "you kay?" he asks noticing her facial expression "what happened to ya?"

lilia took a deep breath and began to speak. "my big brother and dad died yesterday my mom left like a hour later" she said back, daryl's eyes widened but quickly stopping trying not to worry her. "uh, hey kiddo come with me we've got a safe place, you are welcome to come. if you've been here all night you need some sleep and some food" daryl says trying to act calm even though it wasn't very safe where they were. "okay daryl"

it was a pretty quiet ride they are both trying to process what was happening. she saw a weird farm that she thought everyone was but he drove past it. when they arrive at a highway and she saw these two kids. both daryl and lilia get out of the car, and she learns the peoples names. rick his wife lori and son carl. carol and her daughter sophia. t-dog, andrea she looked the same way lilia did. sad. dale, this weird creepy guy shane, and glenn, she hadn't met everyone yet anyway. they let her in the rv and she had some food, the rather gross food tasted better then ever. after that dale told her to go get some sleep, she didn't feel safe at all after what she saw 2 days ago. she got about 20 minutes of sleep that day then woke up in a cold sweat from a nightmare, about her dad.

she thought people were skeptical of her but it turned out they really weren't, what would a little weak 7 year old do to hurt them? mostly because she could barely use a knife, as so they thought.

she left the rv and met carl and sophia, she noticed something was going on between them but she couldn't exactly put her finger on it. "hey guys." lilia said a bit shy. "oh what's up we haven't been introduced, I'm carl grimes that's sophia peletier, and you are?" the strangely talkative carl asked. "I'm lilia rind how old are you guys" she asked trying to fit the vibe "we are 12, you" they said in sync. oh yes, she put her finger on it they were dating or something like that. "im 7, i turn 8 in like a month" the young lilia said.

"wanna hang out?" carl asked "sure"

during their time playing they all see a lot of the dead alive things, lilia still didn't know what to call them or exactly what to do to them she had killed that one back in the convenient store. she killed someone. she'd come to terms with the fact she did it but she wasn't ready to do it again.

so many thoughts were running through her head she let out a small shriek when daryl grabbed her and put her under a car with rick. carl and sophia were near but she felt unsafe still. they soon thought all the dead things were gone and sophia poked her head out from under the car.

wow there were more sophia screamed and ran into the woods so lilia went with rick to go get her. they found her running, rick said all this stuff lily couldn't understand so lilia stayed with sophia she stayed. she comforted sophia "it was nice meeting you i gotta go find my mom" sophia said before running away, "hey! i'll find you!" lilia knew she couldn't stop her so she stayed, and soon saw rick and daryl she jumped out and daryl picked her up lilia was as skinny as a pole so she was very light. they asked her questions about sophia so she told them everything she knew. she saw carol crying, she understood what she was going through, kind of.

"carol I'm sorry about sophia she said she needed to find you" lilia said giving carol a hug. carol didn't want a hug "no you could've followed her but you didn't you stayed, stayed like a pussy" carol said when her sadness became anger "i know your mad so I won't take that seriously but damn that hurt" lilia said walking away

later that day shane and rick brought carl to go try to find sophia. lilia was alone with a single stuffed animal. she had a bad feeling about shane but she chose to ignore it. about thirty minutes later she saw glenn and the others back daryl quickly scooped her up, she was told carl was shot she didn't know how to react, she was worried. she didn't know glenn well but he was a nice guy he comforted her made her feel safe.

daryl chose to stay, and she wanted lily to stay. "lily, we are stayin okay." he told her. "im going to carl." she argued. "no. you are stayin." he restated.

"daryl, i said no." she said walking off.

she did end up staying... but she went the next day!

they went to the weird farm place they'd passed earlier and she saw an old man and two twenty-ish year olds. she went to the old man it turned out his name was hershel. "can I please see him, can I see carl?" she asked politely even though she wanted to just bust into carls room. "of course honey, come on" the particularly nice man said.

she saw carl and her eyes widened big, it's crazy how in 2 days she can get so close with someone she deeply cared about carl. but then she looked over to see rick with tears in his eyes looking at his shot son. he had been giving him blood.

"rick, i know you dont know me okay, just please let me tell you. i know how it feels. your son may not be doing well but it's going to be okay. no matter what." rick didn't reply, he was in shock, he just couldn't. lilia felt sympathy and something popped in her mind.

she turned to hershel, lilia was a very smart kid especially when it came to anything to do with doctors. "does he need blood? I'm an o negative I can give him blood!" she quickly said. "yes he does I'm going to talk to daryl see if that's okay with him." hershel said. "i don't need his permission he's not my dad, just do it." she replied putting her arm out and closing her eyes because she was scared of needles but she was willing to do it for carl. daryl walks in after hearing the conversation clear as day." she can if she wants like the kid said I'm not er dad, but just don't make her pass out, please." daryl said nervously. "okay, sit sweetheart." hershel said. the nerves, the nerves were setting in. she closed her eyes tight then it was done. she gave carl, her new best friend blood.

"thanks kiddo," rick said. "you are a sweet girl, you barely know carl and your willing to do this, thank you lily."

"of course da- I mean rick." she said hesitant. if a mix of shane and rick, that was her dad. But her father died only 3 days ago how could already accidentally call someone dad?

Authors note 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

i'm trying to do this but it's rlly bad rn I'm so excited to do the farm storyline, but just to warn you this is an extremely fast paced book also it may or may not scar you for life. you must be ready. thank you, have an excellent day <3

redoing this chapter rn, i hated the farm storyline, it's only been two months and i'm actually decent at writing now, but this right here, this is a shitty chapter

1412 words

family isnt just blood

-rick grimes at some point.

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