021, growing past it.

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14 years earlier.

daryl age 16, was working outside for his father richard dixon. at the bar his dad was known as dick the dick. he worked with his two brothers merle and joe. joe was 13 merle was 26. they all were tired so they went inside for a drink of water. daryl grabbed a few waters, his father not noticing and went onto their very small porch to drink them. "what the hell do y'all think yer doin?" richard asked his 3 sons. "just drinking water sir." daryl said. "get in er daryl."

"yes sir." daryl said nervously.

"belt or whip?" his father asked him. daryl didn't want to choose. "choose asshole, i gave you a fuckin choice!"

"fine belt it is." richard said grabbing the belt. "merle come in er!" merle walked in.

"merle. how many does yer brother get?" richard asked his oldest son.

merle loved his little brother but love wasn't aloud in that house. ever. "1." merle said scared of what his father would say.

"nah. mer. 4." richard began to hit his 16 year old as he smiled. merle had to watch. daryl didn't flinch, cry, he didn't do anything, this had happened since he was 6. he was used to it. 10 years of pain.

the 16 year old got up not crying, not doing anything just a straight face. he began to work with his brother for another few hours.

daryl went to him and his brothers room. he looked in the mirror and saw the scars on his back. a tear fell out of his eye, he didn't want to cry. he wasn't aloud to, he wiped the tear because no one was ever aloud to cry in his house. he sat on the floor with a comic book and his mothers photo, his mom died a few years ago in a fire. he never read those but joe had some so he started to read them, he just needed to see his mom too. merle walked in a bit drunk. "lil brotha!" merle yelled. "shut up." daryl replied rolling his eyes. "you missin ma huh?" merle asked, they never brought up their mother.

daryl's eyes widened at what his brother just said.

"don't ever say that again merle dixon." daryl stood up, and used his full name.

"don't you ever say that shit again." merle said impersonating him.

"i fucking hate you." daryl said the first time he ever cussed or showed emotion in front of merle.

"damn lil brotha you are really missin ma." merle said smiling.

"what did i just say merle?" daryl asked wanting to punch him.

"oh daryl."

daryl punched him as hard as he could. "damn daryl, yer crazy."

"no! your just a fucking bitch!" he yelled back. as merle recovered they heard a yell.

they both ran outside quickly. and saw joe with a snake on his ankle, it looked venomous. "dad, get out here!" merle yelled. richard came outside, wobbling. he looked at joe they all did. they couldn't afford a hospital. daryl began to cry for the second time in his life. it seemed he was the only one, his brother was 13. he was going to die right in front of his eyes, right here. right. now. daryl's dad pulled a gun out of his pocket and shot him. daryl cried even harder, he'd never felt so much emotion only when his mom died but he barely cried he could handle his emotions but now he couldn't. he just couldn't. his dad cut off daryl's running thoughts with a very hard punch in the back of the head. daryl stopped crying.

"fuckin pussy daryl." richard told him. merle wasn't crying and neither was richard. but daryl was sixteen. six. teen. s. i. x. t. e. e. n. "i'm sorry sir."

daryl's father punished him very bad for crying. that was the day daryl never cried until lilia told him it was okay to have emotions.

12 years later (start of apocalypse)

after about 2 weeks of the apocolyptic world. daryl had been handling it well, he was an adult he and merle were handling it and their dad had nothing else to get high or drunk from so he was painfully sober and that turned out painful for daryl and merle too. but more so daryl he was always treated like a child.

daryls dad had gone out for something. but he came back and got bit.

daryl didn't cry, he wasn't aloud to. merle did. for the first time in his life.

"fuck you dad." daryl yelled.

"i'm bit but i'll beat your ass daryl! i'll fucking beat your ass!" daryl's dad yelled back.

"how?" daryl asked. pointing a gun at him, his hand got shaky.

merle grabbed the gun and shot him.

and that is the day daryl would never be the same.

authors note 🥹🥹

this is a sad chapter but i think it explains some of why daryl is the way he is. my ipad died halfway through writing this 😭

846 words

TRYING, daryl dixon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now