028, termites

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lilia was all cleaned up and they were all headed to terminus. lily told daryl what she did to abraham and how she helped glenn and he was very proud of her.

"do you think this place is real?" lily asked him.

"eh, i don't know. i don't have much hope, but i'll keep you safe honey." daryl rested a hand on her shoulder.

they buried a bag of guns in the ground for safety. and they were off.

they arrived at terminus, that was a weird feeling. they all went inside from the back to see these people first. "well i bet albert is on perimeter watch. anyhow, it's much better in the front, but we don't have anything to hide. i'm gareth, welcome to terminus. it looks like you've been on the rode for a while." the man said. "we have." rick replied. "if it's okay i'd like to get your names." gareth said.

"i'm rick."





"alrighty." gareth said as they all went inside of terminus. lilia thought about where all the people were because if it was such a safe place everyone would be their. he gave them food she didn't eat it. rick suddenly lifted his gun and grabbed a guy. lilia always did what rick did so she did the same thing. "where'd you get the watch!?" rick yelled. daryl carl and michonne lifted their weapons. they all shot people and went into some kind of small war. they were cornered. "alright drop your weapons and ring leader go stand in front of that traincar over there." gareth said. "then samurai, fossil, 5 year old then little boy." lily looked up at him. and flipped him off. "screw you!" lilia yelled walking to the train car. daryl is not that old.

as soon as they got in she saw the rest of the people, she even saw jonah. she ran as fast as she could to hug jonah. "i love you jonah." lily said accidentally confessing. "i love you too." jonah bent down to kiss her. "little kid what did i say." daryl said making everyone in the traincar laugh jonah went to go hug carl. all three of them were friends. lilia jonah and carl sat in the corner in a circle. they discussed their life how they were doing. but little did lily know she was sitting in a love triangle. carl was 13 and jonah was 12 and she was 8. jonah was so young and had such a bad life just like lilia.

"they'll feel really stupid when they find out." lily said looking outside along with rick.

"find out what?" abraham asked. daryl looked at her confused. lilia and rick locked eyes.

"they're fuckin with the wrong people." rick and lily said at the same time. abraham smiled at lily. and then looked at daryl with a very proud look on his face.

lilia was really tall, like really tall for an 8 year old. she was around 4' 11", she was actually about the size of carl, carl was SHORT. they all began to make weapons. they heard some banging. "go for the eyes." rick told everyone. they all agreed and held their weapons. "get on either side of the traincar." gareth said. lilia brought carl and jonah to the wall. no one else moved when they dropped a smoke bomb she was on the wall so it didn't effect her much.

she felt people grab her ankles and bring her outside. she passed out and woke up beside daryl, glenn, rick, and bob they were all tied up.

"we usually only take men but this kid pissed gareth off so we took her too." a butcher dude said as her eyes unblurred. there were 4 random people beside glenn. they knocked one guy out and slit his throat and blood spilled out. lilys eyes widened. 'shit' she thought to herself. they killed the other 3 of the random people. lily just looked at the blood going through the sink. she closed her eyes when they were about to kill glenn. "guys what's your count." gareth walked in saving glenn.

"27." one man said. the other one was about to kill glenn. "hey! your count!" gareth stopped him again. "i don't know." gareth rolled his eyes at the man. "it's fine, just count 'em up mary ain't taken em until tomorrow." gareth said.

"hey!" bob said behind his tie on his mouth.

"what." gareth said taking his mouth thingy off.

"we have a cure, you could come help us." bob said. "liar!" lily yelled. daryl shook his head at her. she smiled behind her mouth thingy and nodded at him. "kid."gareth said.

"i'm fearless, your a little bitch. i'm not scared of your cannibal bullshit you got goin on. by the way im eight dumbass." lily smiled at him, she wasn't scared, like at all.

gareth grabbed ricks mouth thingy. "i saw you go into the forest with a bag and come out without it, you hid it. it was good but im gonna need that bag." gareth said. "perv" lily told herself "lemme bring you out there." rick said looking at him. " i would, but it's too dangerous right now so what's in it?" gareth asked. " just let me..." gareth put a knife to lilys eye. she began to breathe hard. "a few guns, a couple machine guns, some automatic weapons, a knife or two, and a machete with a red handle, that's what i'm gonna use to kill you.'' rick said "that's not gonna happen, but this is, putting the knife closer to lilys eye. "don't touch er!" daryl yelled. "dad shut up." lilia said. "dad?" gareth asked. "yeah stupid." lilia said staying still. "okay then." gareth said grabbing her hand from the ties. and stabbed her hand. she winced but didn't make sound. "you motherfucker!" daryl yelled.


the room shook and everyone fell a few tears ran down lilias face. gareth ran out to go check out stuff. lily just stayed there. rick killed the two butchers and let everyone out somehow. lilia grabbed a knife with her good hand. and they walked outside. "wait. we gotta let the people outta there." glenn said. "what was that?" daryl asked. "cannibals dad." lily looked up at him acting like nothing happened even though her hand was bleeding. "it's still who we are." glenn having a conversation with rick. they went and opened the traincar. a crazy dude came out. "we are all the same." the man said grabbing glenn. lily stabbed him and daryl grabbed glenn and they hid.

rick was being a total badass to be honest lily smiled really big at him. the long run was they basically ran out killed some people killed some walkers lilia got jonah, rick got carl and some others daryl got some people glenn got maggie and bob got sasha, and they were outta there.

lilia looked at her bleeding hand that was in excruciating pain. daryl ran to her. "are you okay?" daryl asked. "fine." lilia said tears running down her face. "rick, you got any meds in that bag?" daryl asked. "a first aid kit." jonah and carl walked over to her and saw the wound all the way through her hand. "get away." lily said. jonah and carl walked away. rick wrapped her hand. so many tears were running down her face, him wrapping her hand hurt worse then anything she had ever endured. daryl held her hand she put her head down

daryl grabbed her head and hugged her when rick was done. she got up. and they all walked, she was beside daryl. they all took a quick break to relax. carol suddenly walked over to them with daryls crossbow and lilias bag. he ran up to hug her. lily smiled at them. daryl hugged her for a while and tears welled up in his eyes. lily wiped his eyes and hugged carol. "what happened?" carol asked worried about her. "long story for later." lily smiled at her. "i got somethin you guys might like." carol said.

she had gotten exiled a while ago for killing two people. only her and rick knew about that. they all walked to a random house. and tyreese was their holding judith. lilia smiled really big as sasha, rick, and carl ran super fast to get their family. lily looked up to daryl he had a slight smile on his face but looked down at his shoes. "you okay dad?" lily asked not even noticing she said dad. "nothin, you?" he asked back denying his emotions. "dad. your not okay." lilia said rubbing his hand. "lilia, nothins wrong!" he raised his voice but no one really heard him. "sorry." lily said walking over to glenn. "hey glenny, nice seein you again." lily smiled up at him. "kiddo." glenn rolled his eyes.

"the termites almost got us." lilia smiled wider.

"yeah they did." glenn said smirking.

authors note 🤙🤙🤙🤙

hey loves funny seeing you guys here 🤩. anyways, i really like this chapter i'm sorry it's a bit different then the show but i really like the way this turned out so like it or not i don't care no one is forcing you to read this 🫶🫶

1554 words

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