031, hope you're okay.

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lily had cried herself to sleep that night she cried for three hours before falling asleep she woke up the next morning barely remembering that daryl had come to see her so when she read the letter she didn't want to cry anymore so she stuffed the letter into her folder, and didn't think about it. lily saw daryl and walked over to him. "hey honey." daryl smirked a bit. lilia hugged him knowing he felt bad. "it's okay." lily smiled a little. they were setting up a barricade to make sure of something lilia didn't know. they never tol her anything anymore. supposedly everyone got into a fight the night before which lily could of helped a lot with.

"what's going on?" lily asked very confused.

"we are goin to get beth and carol and save em, your comin and,'' lily smiled a bit. "abraham, tara, rosita, eugene, maggie and glenn are goin to dc."

lilys heart sank to her stomach the names glenn and maggie hurt her so much she ran outside to say bye. they had already left. she read the map rick had it said 'sorry i was an asshole' it was from abraham. "bitch!" lily yelled at the paper. rick put a hand on her shoulder making her shudder. "what's wrong?" rick asked. "glenn and maggie are gone and i didn't even get to say bye." lilia explained. "they aren't gone for good, they're coming back." rick said.

"okay, so if eugene and his bullshit story gets glenn and maggie and tara killed then what?" lily asked annoyed. "they won't die." rick said. "what are you a fortune teller!?" lilia yelled at him. "lily calm down." rick said calmly. "don't you tell me to be calm when my best friend is probably gonna die and i never even got a damn goodbye!" lily yelled. she never talked to her uncle rick that way, she was just mad at life, not him, he understood that.

"lilia!" daryl got her attention not understanding the situation. "watch your damn mouth! don't talk to him that way!"

"what do you expect me to do? be relaxed? glenn's probably dead! and you don't even care!" lilia yelled. "don't you say i don't care!" daryl yelled back.

"i hope eugene dies out there." lily said. "don't wish that on people." rick said. " 'don't wish that on people' well i wish you'd kill yourself!" lilia yelled walking to get her stuff. lily didn't mean the stuff she said, she really didn't. rick knew that, daryl didn't. carl smirked at her. she rolled her eyes back.

rick had told daryl she didn't mean it, daryl didn't believe it. "why the hell did you talk to rick that way?" daryl said busting through the door carl and jonah watched. "look i'm sorry i'm a bitch! i'm sorry i'm a bad daughter! you say i'm perfect but i'm not everything is wrong with me, litterally everything! so im sorry im the horrible person." lilia said reciting the letter. "do you want eugene to die?" daryl asked her.

"yeah, his stupid little fairy tale got into glenn's head." lily said literally knowing everything. they had gotten into a few different cars to go find beth. lily got into the one with daryl and noah. lilia laid in her seat. "i'm sorry i yelled at you and rick." she told daryl. "it's alright, i took it outta context. just please watch your mouth." daryl said as they almost got to the hospital. whenever they arrived lilia didn't know what was going on she didn't know the game plan. they all went into a weird building. lily thought about glenn and maggie as she looked through her backpack and saw a letter. "sorry i didn't say goodbye, love you." glenn! he did say goodbye just through a letter. "hey rick." lily said looking at her shoes. "you okay?" rick asked kneeling a bit. "i'm really sorry i yelled at you." lilia said. rick picked her up, no one really picked her up because she was pretty tall.

"it's okay, i was never mad." rick said hugging her. lily let out a relieved breath. "you know your really smart."

lily laughed a bit. "i guess, i read a lot, i still read a lot." she smiled. "i can tell." rick said with a comforting smile. "you ready to get beth?" rick asked. "hell yeah!" lilia said as they all walked to the hospital. before that conversation rick had gone out to deal with one of the officers, and noah almost got caught but lily wasn't part in that stuff. as they walked to the hospital lilia loaded her gun and held onto her knife. when they were in the door ready to do a trade rick said, "alright if anything goes wrong kill them all. just get carol and beth." rick said. they all walked in. "who's the kid?" the lady said.

"lilia, dixon." she said stepping forward, fearless, for beth and carol. "okay then." dawn said.

"how we gonna do this?" dawn asked. "one at a time." rick said. "get!" lily pushed one of the officers over to the other side. carol got rolled over in a wheelchair. daryl greeted her smiling. then they traded beth. lily hugged her. "i missed you." lily said. then daryl hugged her. they traded again. beth came over.

"now i just need noah." dawn blurted out. "that wasn't the deal!" rick raised his voice a dawn. "he's mine, you have no claim over him." dawn said. "the kid what's to see his family you have no claim over him!" rick raised his voice a bit more. "it's okay." noah said. beth ran up to him. "wait!" she yelled as she hugged him. "i knew you'd be back." dawn said smirking at noah. beth looked at her, and so did lily in confusion.

"i know who you are." beth said and stabbed her with little scissors. dawn shot her. lily looked at beth for a split second and grabbed her gun and shot dawn in the head, daryl did the same thing, same time. rick wiped blood off his face in shock. daryl began to cry. lily grabbed ricks gun out of his hands. "stop. all of you." she pointed it at the people in the hospital. "it's just her." they were cut off by lilia shooting every single one even the patients. lily dropped the gun, she didn't mean to.

goddammit !

no one necessarily blamed her for her anger they grabbed beth and walked out, they saw the rest of the group. tears ran down lilias face as they walked to see them. maggie smiled but it dropped as soon as daryl came out. lily ran to her to help her in any way shape or form. they literally just lost hershel and now this. lilia flipped off the sky. she hugged maggie. glenn was crying, michonne, daryl, rick, maggie all the toughest people lilia knew, it hurt. beth's death hurt a lot. lily imagined if she died this would happen, but to be honest they would of moved on, at least that's what she thought.

they were on the road when they took a break. maggie sat by a fire, she cried. lily walked over to her. "maggie. i know this isn't a good time but beth was amazing, she lived a damn good life. i hope your okay." lily said, kneeling beside her. "i don't know how much longer i can survive." maggie said sobbing, hard. "maggie, don't say that. i've felt that way before. i promise it's okay. maybe not now, but at some point it will feel better, trust me." lilia said in all seriousness. the thought of maggie dying shook her to her core. "i don't believe that lily." maggie said.

"maggie. i swear. please just trust me." lilia said her hands shaky.

"i trust you lily, i'm just not sure." maggie said.

authors note.

hey, do y'all notice that some of the chapters are olivia rodrigo song titles? anyways, i cannot wait for the season 7 storyline i've been perfecting it for months and i think it's perfect.

1376 words

"... because i love you. and i hope that your okay."

-olivia rodrigo

TRYING, daryl dixon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now