043, lets see.

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it had been 3 weeks since they met the people at hilltop, rick and most of the group had attacked saviours outposts, lily and jonah chose not to join in, carl too. they always hung out together. everyone had left to attack the last outpost on their list. lily leaned her head on jonah's shoulder carl sat in front of them.

"never have i ever, been on a plane." carl asked. jonah raised his hand, they couldn't drink so they did the kid version. carl had done it too. lily had never even been out of atlanta before. lily shook her head.

"never have i ever, regretted something." lily said. jonah and carl raised their hand. "mine is never saying i love you too my brother."

"being such a bitch to my mom." carl said. "not going with mom before she left." jonah said, meaning carol.

"who do you guys think will be the last to survive this group?" jonah asked.

"you." carl and lily said. "why?" he asked. "because your a good survivalist." carl shrugged. lily left the room when she heard some cars at the front of alexandria. carl and jonah followed.

lily looked for daryl, he wasn't there though. "uncle rick, where's dad?" lily asked.

"him, glenn, sasha and rosita left to do somethin, they are fine." rick said. lily nodded. "we leavin?" rick asked.

"yeah." aaron said. lily and jonah, along with carl got in the car. rick, eugene, michonne, and maggie with them. she was badly hurt she needed to get to hilltop stat. maggie was in the front with everyone. jonah and lily went to the back. "i have a bad feeling jonah." lily said.

"me too lia. i love you, we're going to survive this."

"yeah, we all are. all of us." lily said breathing harder. she fell asleep on jonah's shoulder. she was awoken from a loud, loud gasp from rick. he was driving.

they all got out except aaron and maggie. lily held her gun up. they had a man lily didn't know but he was from alexandria. she didn't have daryl, it was kind of scary, she always felt badass and safe around daryl but she could do it. lilia just hide the fear.

"hey guys!" a man called simon yelled. lily rolled her eyes. "you look like trevor from gta!" she screamed at him. he chuckled.

"we want a deal." rick said. lilia rolled her eyes harder then ever before. what is up with this man and deals. "give us all your stuff, we may have to kill a few of you but that is part of life." simon said, lily took a step back, she was bombarded.

"see, that deal isn't gonna work for us. we were actually about to ask for all your stuff and not have to kill any of you." rick said. "anymore of you." lily added.

"me and my people are leavin." rick said everyone went back to the rv and turned the other way. jonah kissed lily when they made it back to the back. he hadn't done that in months. she kissed him again. "i love you babe." jonah said. "i love you too." lily said they both fell asleep it was getting late, they needed a power nap.

~lily arrived at the prison hershel at her side. sophia at her other side. they walked in and lily saw her room with all of her stuff daryl had put in there for her.

"do you like it?" daryl asked. "i love it! thank you dad!" lily shouted. she ran over to hershel.

"ya know, you are so smart." hershel told her. lily smiled.

"you are the sweetest little girl i know, you are going to beat his world even if you don't have anyone by your side. you are going to win. you are invincible. but im not." hershel's head suddenly fell off lily fell backwards she began to sob.~

she popped up, jonah got up. "you okay?" he asked. "yeah. yeah, i just had a dream." lily said. he went back to sleep. they heard a gunshot. they both jumped up. they all shot into the woods maggie was on a medical bed. lily and jonah just went with it.

they all continued to walk. lily held jonah's hand. rick and carl were having a conversation, whatever. some really bright lights shot at them they all stopped to cover their eyes. when their eyes adjusted simon arose from the light.

"hand over your weapons and get on your knees." simon said. lily handed her gun and knife. the others did the same. rick got on his knees after helping maggie to hers. lily got on her knees beside carl and jonah, jonah was beside rick and michonne. eugene was in the other side of carl. they let out daryl, rosita, sasha and glenn. lily wanted to scream. she didn't, she saved it. daryl signed 'survive' to her in sign language, they had done that in all bad situations. she nodded. glenn looked so worried to see maggie. hell, lilia was worried glenn was there.

"seems we have a full boat, let's meet the man." simon said. he opened their rv swinging the door open, it was dark outside, lily couldn't see him. slowly the man formed out of the shadows. the person they had been fighting for so so long. negan smith.

"pissin our pants yet?"

authors note 😦

to be completely honest i'm terrified to write the next chapter. im so sorry about this storyline, it's been planned since the start. who is going to die in the lineup. you'll know on the next episode of disney channel.

949 words

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