055, fight to survive.

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lily didn't want to love henry, she did. she really did. he reminded her a lot of jonah, she still thought about him frequently. not as much anymore but she still missed him. i mean what do you expect? lily and henry always hung out. daryl had given up on giving her rules, she didnt do anything bad anyways. lily laid her head on his shoulder when some boys walked in with guns in their hand. "what do you want?" lily asked. "to get you." they said with a smile. two of the boys grabbed her arm. they left henry, thank god.

she didn't yell, it's like she couldn't, she also knew if she did all it would do was make it worse. they went through the blind spot, just like everyone did. they brought her to a tree, it was very tall but no leaves, they grabbed her head. "oo your cute." one said, "you look like lord farquand dumbass." lily shot back. "you think your so good?" he asked. "better then you." she said smiling at him. he grabbed his knife and cut his first initial into her stomach. she slightly winced wanting to show she was much stronger then them.

"noah! what're you doing?" the other person asked in a panic, "i'm about to cut my whole name on this bitches stomach!" he screamed, but she lost control and she screamed so loud, it hurt so bad. "dad!" she yelled in pain.

"your daddy isn't gonna get you now." they laughed at her.  "please dad! dad!" she continued to scream, unbothered by their comments.

they punched her in the face and left her on the ground they just ran away from her acting like nothing happened, it was soaking wet from rainwater. she began to cry, not so much about her pain mostly about this dumb way to die. she was freezing, her stomach was bleeding out not too much to make it life threatening but a good bit. she basically passed out but roughly an hour later when she was conscious again daryl was running to her side, he noticed she wasn't at alexandria and had went out looking. the second he saw her he ran at full speed towards her. when she had passed out he picked her up and brought her to the infirmary. when she was being taken care of he went to henry's house he opened the door and grabbed henry's collar.

"did you know about this!?" he screamed at the kid. "no! i didn't!" henry said back he was lying but he honestly didn't know what happened, he was terrified of the man. "okay but if you did... you better be scared." daryl replied throwing him onto the ground and walking back.

while daryl was gone not much happened except for lily waking up to THE WORST PAIN...  the second daryl got there she was crying. tears just spilled out of her eyes, they had to stitch up the N on her stomach, she would always have that on her stomach.

"who did this to you?" daryl asked her his heart beating out of his chest. "noah and troy." she sobbed to him.

"it's okay, your safe now." he replied. "it's all going to be just fine."

"dad. i don't know anymore." she said. "where is this coming from?" he asked her, concerned. he ran his fingers through her hair as he spoke.

"ever since we went to the prison, when the woodbury people came troy was there. he's always told me you hated me that you were pressured to take care of me because i was a helpless baby that no one was ever going to care about, i know he's lying. but dad i'm second guessing, the amount of fights we have the amount of times i've made you hate me, i know i'm a horrible daughter and i don't want you to argue because you know i'm not a good daughter, you may not want to admit it but it's true. i'm so sorry i've been such a bad daughter, i'll try to be better. so really. i'm sorry. i love you." she said, she really meant it.

"i'll say it, you get on my nerves sometimes but i have never hated you. or ever questioned having you as a daughter. i love you too." he kissed her on the forehead


"night baby." he replied walking out of the room.


lily slept for a really long time, they had finished the bridge and the saviors were being assholes. she and daryl had gone with rick on a trip. lily and daryl got on the motorcycle, rick rode close behind,  rick started yelling at daryl to pull over so he did, lily jumped off and he threw his motorcycle on the ground they started yelling at each other until lily tried to calm them down but when she did that they all fell in a hole lily winced after she hit the ground but they got up pretty quick to start arguing again

daryl had allowed maggie to kill negan, rick and lily were pissed off about this. rick mostly.

"so you let her do this asshole!?" rick yelled at daryl trying to find a way up. "yes. her killing negan might do something for her." daryl replied relaxed.

"you know what happens if maggie kills negan? all the people we lost died for nothing, carl died for nothing." rick said welling up in tears.

"you know you'd be dead, we'd all be dead if it weren't for glenn, you wouldn't have found lori, you wouldn't have found carl. and you sure as fuck wouldn't have found any of us!" daryl shot back. "come on man, you gotta let him go. let him go."

"you talking like it wasn't your fault glenn is dead." rick said. "what did you just say?" daryl asked. "you heard me." rick replied daryl tried to throw a punch but it didn't work.

"stop it! i thought you guys were brothers. brothers fight i get it but this. this isn't just a fight. i'm gonna start with rick. DO NOT tell him it's his fault glenn died, it's not. and dad. DO NOT tell a man to let go of his sons death. we are stuck in a damn hole are we gonna think logically or just fight the whole time. get in your right minds." daryl and rick had some realization. they couldn't just fight.

lily climbed up the side of the wall, she made it easily. "dad you got that chain?" she asked. he handed to her. she cut off 3 walkers heads in one swift movement. she did it one more time. "wait 1 second." she said, she grabbed a rope and threw it down into the hole wallets began to fall but they dodged them. she struggled to pull them up but once rick was up there it was easy to get daryl.

a herd of walkers was headed down to the bridge, rick got really worried.

"i'm goin." he said. "nah, not without me, you're gonna get yer'self killed." daryl said. "by myself." rick said. "i gotta save the bridge." he was about to get on the horse.

"uncle rick." lily said. "yeah?" he asked. "stay safe." she said with a smile. he nodded, he knew he wasn't going to be okay.

authors note 🎧

oh my god i'm not mentally ready for next chapter. fuck i can't do this, to take my mind off i have something for you guys.

 fuck i can't do this, to take my mind off i have something for you guys

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the picture is big af again but there is lily back at it again slaying. GUYS WTFFF IM TRYING TO MAKE THE OLDER VERSION OF HER AND ITS NOT WORKING I HATE CHATGPT

1299 words

TRYING, daryl dixon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now