060, mass murder.

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jerry and ezekiel went out with a few others to get a surprise for the trading festival. lily was excited. she chose to draw something she looked at a poster on the wall and drew it. daryl didn't do many different things so he was talking with a few others on how to defeat alpha. lily joined when she found out what was happening.

"we can defeat her, we must." michonne said. "her? more like it." gabriel looked at her. "jesus can't i make this only a little bit happy?" judith smiled at her.

"lilia quit talking back." siddiq said. "let me think... no." she said. "shut up!" michonne screamed. "your a little bitch that needs to learn some rules."

"your funny. i don't give a shit." lily said, reminded her of her mom. "you wanna get kicked out?" she asked. "the fuck?" lily asked.

"i could kick you out." michonne replied. "stop acting like your the leader! your not! there is no government for this place. you guys need to get back out there because we aren't safe here, don't you guys know that? we will never be safe, that word doesn't exist anymore. we are going to kill alpha but first get your damn heads screwed on straight!" she shouted standing up in front of michonne.

"lily." daryl said. "what!" she screamed. "stop screaming at people." he said.

"michonne. look at me. think logically for once. you have 2 children don't you understand that? step up to the plate because your little council thing isn't doing shit. no one is ever going to listen to you, especially me. what are you gonna do throw me out in the woods? i've done that since i could walk! i've never been safe and i never will be safe. you aren't safe either. everyone i thought was immortal are dead get it through your head." she said walking out. she sat by a shed and cried, she cried so hard. people needed to learn.

a few hours later lily jumped on her bike to go to the kingdom and when she got there, a movie was playing, she chose to sit outside alone while everyone was in the theater. ezekiel walked out. "you okay?" he asked. "i'm such an asshole ezekiel." lily said. "i've known that i can talk to people however i want because the only chance they have is to hit me or scream at me, that doesn't matter to me anymore."

"i don't condone hitting." ezekiel said. "my parents woulda hated you, they hated everyone though. but people who were genuinely nice they hated most of all." she said. "well your parents don't sound very good." he said. "they weren't." she said looking at him.

"how about we work on letting out our anger differently instead of screaming or yelling." ezekiel said, "okay, i'll try." she said. "come on." they both walked into the movie.

2 hours later

a few people had basically gone missing, henry being one of them. lily got pretty worried. she still liked him. they found siddiq traumatized in the woods.

"siddiq!" michonne shouted taking him over her shoulder. he pointed towards a hill. they all walked up it and there were heads. on pikes.






tammy rose.





the second daryl spotted henry he ran to lily, making her look at him. "it's okay, just look at me." he reassured her.

troy was her bully she could not care less about his death. georgia made her slightly sad considering she had a mom and brother. sam was always nice to her, she was a sweet soul very innocent.

rodney was very rude to her but addy was one of the sweetest people she had ever met, she was friends with gage and rodney. lily has end up talking to her a few times.

tammy rose was always a rude old lady especially after her son died but she didn't deserve to die because of it. and heather. oh heather. she was so nice, no matter who they were. she always accepted negan, lydia, everyone who was different. she didn't have a bad word to say about anyone.

lily cared about tara of course they had known eachother for almost 7 years. it was kind of crazy, she was salty sometimes but a generally nice person, always had a good sense of humor a lot like abraham.

enid cared about all, no matter who they were. she just loved carl, and anyone who really cared about her. she and lily were amazing friends, always had been. trauma based friendship but still a friendship.

and henry. henry was always nice until he dated lydia, lily knew it wasn't his fault. mistakes happen. she understood that, they had dated for about 6 years. since they were very young. he didn't deserve to die, ever. they were very close. he was always welcoming of everyone a lot like heather.

now they were gone. lilia already missed them. alpha wasn't going to get away with this. not a damn chance.

lily looked daryl in the eye as tears welled up in her eyes. "i'm sorry for screaming at you." she said beginning to cry. "it's okay. it's okay." he pulled her in for a hug before wiping her tears with his thumb. lily stared at henry making eye contact. he was just growling. she walked up but daryl tried to hold her back, he didn't succeed. she got very close to him. "i'm sorry henry, you didn't deserve this. i love you." she admitted grabbed her knife and stabbing the back of his head before walking back to camp. she sat in her bed while everyone talked about the tragedy. she could not process what happened.

it hurt a lot.

lily got on her bike and rode the short ways to alexandria. gabriel was the only one there wih negan. she went in and saw him. "you can go." she told him. "okay, thank you lily." he said. "course."

"thank you so much for gettin that asshole outta here." negan said. "i need a favor." she cut him off.

"okay... what is it?" he asked. "i'll let you out, i'll keep you alive for as long as i am if you go kill alpha." she said opening the lock. "i really am sorry you've been here for so long. take as long as you need, i'll cover for you."

"i got you." negan said. he walked out ready to murder this bitch.

authors note 😫

DAMN this was crazy anyways it is currently 11:10 but like 10 minutes ago it was nine and i'm at 6 percent so yeah, have yourself a great day!

1125 words

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