048, wowzers.

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henry walked into lilias room, she was laying on her bed. "what happened to you?" he asked.

"mind your own business." she said.  "okay, okay." he put his hands up.

"i'm sorry about..."

"lily. it's not your fault." henry said. "i'm mature enough to know it wasn't your fault, you tried your best i know, i'm thankful for that. i blame the person who shot him, you can't save everyone."

she didn't reply, he came up and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "stay safe lily." he said before walking out of her room. she looked through her backpack to find her notebook but she found... a letter.

i'm sorry i've been a horrible person to you. i respect you, and you should be on the defense team, you are so strong and tough. i love you, i really can't say it enough. we are all going through stuff, i'm sorry if i made that worse for you. carol, she wasn't handling her anger and sadness correctly. i'm really sorry about that. i'm also sorry to tell you... she's gone. she couldn't handle the pain of losing another kid, she hung herself in the garage of her house. i'm gonna come to your room in an hour. see you then.

lily couldn't believe it, carol was dead? daryl needed her. but before she could even think of that daryl walked in her room red faced, he had been crying for a long time. he just stood there. lily made eye contact with him.

'this is my fault, it's my fault jonah is dead she hates me for it and she killed herself because i couldn't save jonah. it's my fault. it's all my fault.' lily thought to herself. lily got up and gave him a hug. he put his hand around her back. "sorry." daryl said. she looked up at him "it's not your fault dad." she replied.

"love you." daryl said. "i love you so much." she said walking out. negan... he was right there. as soon as she walked out, it was just him. what happened? he picked her up. she kicked him as hard as she could. he dropped her, she grabbed her gun and pointed it at him. "stop, please." negan pleaded sarcastically. "why are you here?!" she screamed. "i want you and daryl back kiddo." she jumped on his stomach, as he had been knocked to his back. he grunted in pain. "i told you to not call me that asshole." she said.

"jonah's mom is dead because of you." she continued. "look, i understand you needed to defend your people. i get it, trust me. but you killed a child and the nicest man you will ever meet, what went through your head..? wait... don't answer that, the only thing going through your head was your dead wife that you still haven't gotten o-"

he jumped up rage in his heart and through her on the ground, full force. she coughed as he punched her over and over. blood began to spill out of her mouth. "don't mention lucille." he said standing up.

"you negan. you are fucking with the wrong kid." she said getting up and kicking him in the chest, he got pushed backwards a bit. she had no more energy, she fell backwards and her eyes began to close slowly, before she fainted, she saw everyone in the kingdom watching her, and daryl trying to get her. but everything went black.

"lily!" daryl screamed. she didn't wake up. "you shitheads get someone! she's a kid, stop acting like your watching the hunger games and make yourself useful!"


lily woke up in pain, in her chest, stomach, and cheek, from all the punches. when her eyes opened she let out a small scared shreek when she saw negan looking at her with a creepy ass smile. "your not done." he said grabbing her wrist and cracking the bone, negan is incredibly strong. she yelled. henry was watching, the yell triggered daryl to come. tears began to spill out of her eyes. her wrist was bleeding her face was covered in blood she had bruises on her stomach and chest, it reminded her of the old days.

"get off of her." daryl said walking inside getting negans attention. "oh you want to try me?" he asked amused. henry ran to lily, to 'check' on her. daryl punched negan in the face he fell backwards. henry ran out scared. lily got up, she obviously could barely stand. rick showed up at the door. he picked up lily and daryl ran close behind them.

negan was on hard drugs, he was being erratic. they were ready for battle... supposedly rosita and sasha had been taken by negan. while rick was explain what was happening lily tried to ignore the pain but it was to great for that. they made it to alexandria quickly. the kingdom and alexandria were extremely close together.

lily and daryl sat at doctor denise's office. lily sat on the bed, daryl sat on a chair in front of her. denise tended to her wrist, she wrapped it up which resulted in extreme pain. she cleaned the blood off her face and she didn't do much else. little did lily know, there was more to this hellhole of pain. lily ran outside and the people had gotten in. daryl was holding her hand while holding a gun in the other. rick and carl were not their knees, he was about to kill carl. "negan. kill me. i'm begging ya, please." she said. "why?" he asked. "if it prevents carl dyin then i'd do anything."

he pushed her to her knees she looked at him unphased. "you ready to die?" he asked. "i'm not gonna die." she said negan was visually confused. "but someone is."

shiva jumped out of the blue onto someone face. she ran beside daryl and held his hand

"alexandria will not fall! not on this day!" he screamed. lily smiled a bit. but she fell back, out of daryl's grip. daryl looked back and her ankle had been shot, they meant to shoot her in the chest. well, denise meant to shoot her in the chest. she missed. daryl shot denise in the head, daryl jumped in a car and lily layed in the back, he drove at 120 miles per hour it took them one minute to get to the kingdom. the doctor tended to her. she woke up. she couldn't move. "hello?" she said nervous. "hey, hey it's okay." daryl said with a comforting smile.

"dad. what happened?" she asked.

"well, you got knocked out by negan, he cracked your wrist in half, you got shot in the ankle. now we are here." daryl said. "rick and carl came too."

she smiled a slight bit. "carl!" she shouted as he revealed from the darkness. "hey lia!" carl replied. "you okay?"

"what do you think?" she asked. "sorry sis-"

"sis?" she asked. "yeah, your my sister lily." he said with a smile. "wowzers." she said. "what?" he asked.

"first i get knocked out, then i get my wrist broken by an inexplicably strong man, then i get shot, now i'm the carl grimes sister?" she said. "yeah, wowzers." he said with a big grin.

"hello?" rick asked jealous. "i didn't forget about you uncle rick." she smiled. "i know baby." he said. daryl layed beside her as she read. "i'm sorry honey." he said.

"for?" she replied. "not bein there when ya need me." he said. "nothin you need to be sorry for, i'm not always there for you." she said. he had this look on his face, of realization. "yeah. i guess." he said, they both drifted off to sleep.

wowzers is right

authors note :)

WOWOWOWO this is eventful, negan isn't THIS crazy. lily doesn't know what's coming, lily isn't gonna get a break sorry.

1323 words

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