050, depression.

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2 months later.

lilia had recovered from losing cali. it obviously hurt... a lot but she knew how to get better. she had patched up relationships with everyone. she had one more thing coming though, she could never prepare herself for it. that day they were preparing for an attack, well. the saviours were. it was late at night. carl had talked to the group with lily. they were ready if the saviours attacked.

"stay safe okay?" daryl made sure she was okay. "i promise. love you." she said. "okay, love you too." he gave her a kiss on the forehead. "carl, stay safe." rick said. "okay dad." he replied, rick nodded.

"rick! we are here, to ask for apologies! no, demand apologies. you got 5 minutes to write me up some apologies! 3 pages at least, go!" he yelled into the megaphone.

"everyone go into the sewer. lily your stayin with me. keep judith safe. that's all i need." carl said. "no, come-"

"this is my game, you said that. trust me." he said giving michonne a hug.

"why me?" she asked. "because your strong, we're playin good cop bad cop you okay with that?" he said. "only if i'm the bad cop." she smiled. carl chuckled. "of course you are!" he said going up the guard tower with lily. they saw negan.

"he's not here!" carl lied. "wow guys hold your fire it's carl! oh, carl grimes answering the door like a big boy... daddy's not here huh?"

"he's 14 and no shit that's what he just said jackass!" lily screamed. she liked this a lot. "oh, of course this little shit is here." negan said, lily rolled her eyes and flipped him off.

"yeah, he's out getting shit for you. he'll be here soon." carl said wanting to be bad cop. he was about to be.

"you here to apologize?" negan said but was cut off by carls anger.

"fuck no dumbass! i don't know what's wrong with you but clearly you're wrong in the head somehow? you killed my bestfriend and my uncle, you killed so many of the people at alexandria it's insane! i get it you've been through stuff, all of us have! i killed my fucking mom for god sakes! your little cheating wife is dead get over it, it's been years, you don't see me crying over stuff in the past. get your shit together and suck it up god dammit!" carl screamed. he needed that. lily smiled at him. he jumped off the guard tower, lily followed him. he hurt his leg he ran with an arm on lilys shoulders, he walked with her dodging explosions that came around them.

they made it to the sewer and lily gave daryl a big hug. "you good?" he asked. "better then ever." she said smiling big. michonne and rick were nowhere to be found. this dude called siddiq that carl saved was there instead, when michonne and rick arrived. carl was all sweaty. lily just thought it was from running around. when rick and michonne kind of huddled in front of him he showed them something lily was never going to be ready for.

carl grimes had been bitten.

lilys face dropped as he showed the bite. "just in case i wasn't able to say goodbye." he handed rick some letters. warm tears welled up in lilias eyes. rick handed her the letter that said her name.

she held his hand for a moment. "carl. i'm so sorry this happened to you." she said.

"it's okay, it's not your fault." lily let go of his hand slowly and walked to siddiq. "it's yours." she looked at him with a terrifying death stare. "no it's not." carl said.

"mom told me i was going to beat this world. i didn't. but you will, i know you will." he said handing judith his hat, the grimes legacy. judith began to cry, she knew her brother was going to die, somehow.

"when?" rick asked. "i was helpin siddiq, 3 walkers toppled over me, i got bit." he replied. "i'm sorry son." rick said sobbing already. "it's okay dad. it's okay."

"can't we cut off the skin on his stomach like we cut off peoples arms! this isn't real! carl grimes is immortal!" she shouted, she couldn't breathe. "lily. it's okay. it's real. i love you so much. i'm honored to be your brother." he said. daryl picked her up. she yelled to get out of his grip. she tried to kick him but he didn't let go. "dad please. one second." daryl let her go.

"i love you carl. more then anyone in the world. im so happy i was able to be your sister. goodbye."

"goodnight love." just like his mom said lily walked out of the sewer with daryl she cried silently the way out. not looking at carl or anything, she held onto her letter for her life. she walked to a car with daryl she got in the back and curled into a ball. she didn't say a word. it was an awkward car ride. she was at hilltop. she walked in slowly. she had tears running down her face. enid fell to the ground in hysterics. maggie didn't shed a damn tear, lilia was going to talk about that later, she needed to read her letter. lily walked to maggie's trailer and sat on the couch. she opened her letter.

i hate to write this. but if you are reading this i'm gone. i remember the time me,  
jonah, cali and you hung out that time. when we played truth or dare. we dared you to scare dad. he was so terrified of you it was so funny. i want you to find new people to play truth or dare with, cali and jonah are gone now. me too i need you to keep judith safe no matter what. make her feel like she has a real sister and make her feel safe and happy. i trust you with everything. i'm sorry i was such an asshole when we were kids. i really mean it, you were there for me everytime i needed you. i wasn't i truly apologize for that. make sure dad and michonne feel okay. they need to know not to be sad. but most of all, i need you to take care of yourself. do things that make you happy. don't change for anyone, or anything. for a boy or a friend. don't change anything for daryl definetly. he doesn't know best for you. the only person who knows you best is you. when i was younger. literally a year ago i really liked you. i'm so happy you and jonah got together though.  you guys are definetly meant for eachother. i'm currently sitting in the corner of the bathroom writing notes for people i know. i got bit when saving siddiq, i don't regret saving him. considering you being you though. you are gonna regret me saving him. thank you for making me stronger, there are so many things i couldn't have gotten through without you. i couldn't of stood up for myself without you. thank you for making me know it's okay to cry. thank you for punching me that time, i deserved it. lilia don't cry. it's all going to be okay i promise. nothing will change without me. i'm so happy i was able to be your sister. i love you lia. thank you for everything. goodnight love.

that was it. carl grimes was deceased.

authors note

this is the 50th chapter special, i sobbed while writing this and the melanie martinez i was listening to while writing this wasn't helping... i can't believe i'm already on the 50th chapter, i started in late july, now it's december. thank you guys so much if your reading this book. i've put hours of my life into something i hate. so idk. thank you.

1333 words

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