023, woodburians.

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it had been one month, everything was on the downlow. but rick had chosen to let the woodburians into the prison and they were all assholes except for 2, lilla and corey. lilia had befriended lilla and corey but no one else. lilla and her had similar names, but they did fine.

"lily." the boy named jayden came in.

"yeah?" lilia asked.

"daryl wants you to come with him to the store so can you get me some whiskey?"

"hell no, bye." she replied walking away.

she was suddenly grabbed by the neck. "get off me!" she raised her voice.

"get me my whiskey." jayden calmly said.

"kay." lilia said grabbing her backpack, acting like nothing happened and walking to daryl.

"hey honey." daryl said. "where we goin?" lilia asked him.

"the big spot." daryl said.

"aight." lilia said getting in the car. jeez, she sat by jonah.

they arrived at the big spot with tyreese, sasha, daryl, bob, glenn, zach, lily, and jonah. and they all waited to see the walkers.

"see i've been tryin to figure out was daryl was before the turn." zach said.

"aight give it a go." daryl said.

"a spy." zach said. lily and michonne began to laugh.

"what? i was undercover." daryl said with a straight face.

"uh huh." lilia continued to laugh.

"wait really?" zach asked. daryl gave him a very noticeable side eye. lily smiled at him.

they began to hear growls behind the window. which made lilia jump, jonah put a hand on her shoulder. they all went in guns up. lilia went to the med cabinet and looked through it. but there was nothing tyreese had already cleaned it out. she then went to the alcohol shelf get whiskey for jayden.

"the hell you over here for?" daryl asked, in a funny way.

"nothing just lookin around." lilia said calmly.

"kay, go over there." daryl said pointing to the food section.

damn she was gonna get beat up by a fourteen year old. she picked up a few things and walked over to glenn. she had patched things up with him, they were cool. "hey glenny." lilia whispered. "hey kiddo." glenn replied she picked up a few things from the cleaning aisle where he was in but then a walker fell out of the ceiling.

"what the hell!" lily yelled and stabbed it.

"what the hell is right cmon!" glenn said back.

more and more walkers fell out of the ceiling then lily walked over to see bob at the alcohol shelf. "hey!" lily warned him as she saw another walker. he was startled and the shelf fell on him. lilia yelped.

"guys!!" she yelled and everyone ran over as more and more walkers fell out of the ceiling they just tryed to get bob out but then. zach was pulled under. he was bit on the the leg and lily stood still in fear daryl got her attention and they all began to run after they saw.

"a damn helicopter?" lilia yelled. they all made it outside except for zach. lilia didn't cry, she barely knew zach. but he never got to know what daryl did before the turn which did make her sad.

3 hours later

"ya get my whiskey?" jayden asked her.

"no, i couldn't." lilia said unbothered.

"you bitch." jayden jumped up and punched her.

jayden continued to punch her. she yelled. daryl and rick ran in to see lilia, daryls daughter being beat up by this kid. lily wasn't good at fighting people when she didn't have the upper hand. she was basically defenseless. daryl grabbed him and threw him on the ground. his dad walked in and saw what his son had done to this 8 year old girl. his dad brought him to a cell and punished him somehow lilia had no idea what was going on. daryl grabbed gauze out of her bag and cleaned her up and saw she had a busted lip and a cut on her cheek.

"i'm gonna clean you up." daryl said rubbing her good cheek with his thumb. hershel walked in.

"you alright?" hershel asked. "what kinda question is that?" daryl said rolling his eyes.

"alright yer cheek will need stitches mags go grab my sewing kit and my small med kit for me dear." hershel said looking at her.

maggie handed him the stuff and he began to clean her lip with an alcohol pad, she winced a few times it hurt like, a lot. daryl watched this kid be tougher then most adults he knew, he was very shocked at the very brave little girl. whenever hershel finished her lip he went to her cheek.

"hershel." daryl stopped him in his tracks. "you got anything for the pain?"

"i don't, nothing that will kick in quick enough to do much. lily just don't move and stay really still." hershel said. daryl rubbed her hand for comfort.

a tear fell out of lilys eye in pain. daryl held her hand tighter after seeing the rare occasion of her crying when she was in pain. "okay i'm done, you did better then many of the adults here." hershel said giving her a pat on the arm.

"you feel okay?" daryl asked. "i ain't never seen you cry when yer hurt. only like once."

"i'm fine." lily said curling into a ball. "it just hurt."

"i was in pain for ya honey. that looked like it hurt." daryl said grabbing a hold of her hand.

"why'd he do this?" daryl asked her.

"he told me to get him alcohol and i didn't succeed." lily said getting up.

"where are you goin?" daryl asked.

"daryl. i'm gonna go beat this bitch up." lily went to the cell jayden was in.

"your a brat jayden, a spoiled little uppity egotistical brat. you can think your perfect and beat up 8 year olds all you want but..." lilia passed out. daryl and jayden's very nice dad caught her as jayden laughed. lilia woke up a little fast. daryl tried to stop her from getting up but she got out of his grip.

"your messin with the wrong one." lilia said punching him in the face as hard as she could. she looked at her knuckles in pain but she acted like it wasn't.

"fuckin woodburians." lily walked off.

authors note ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


1039 words

"then i though... i'm gonna beat this bitch up."

-idk where it's from.

TRYING, daryl dixon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now