049, just die.

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lily layed on her bed in the kingdoms doctor office. she suddenly got an extreme pain in her ankle, she felt like she was stabbed. she winced and daryl looked at her, worried. he jumped up pretty quick. "you okay?"

"felt like i got stabbed." she said still in pain. "lemme see." he pulled up her pant leg a small bit. it was super red. a doctor walked in to give her a check. they saw the ankle, "oh, honey. this is only gettin worse." the doctor said. "well, that makes me feel great." she said rolling her eyes. he doctor smiled. "it's not like your gonna die. you'll be okay, i have a anti inflammatory for ya to take." she took the pill and laid back, she was still in pain. the doctor walked out.

"sorry ya got so hurt." daryl said. "it's okay, negan should just die." she replied. "i'm tired a' not walkin." daryl chuckled.

"honey, i don't know if this is a good time to tell you this but im gonna." she looked at him confused. "sasha is dead."

lily felt bad, she never knew sasha well. "how?"

"rosita told us that she took a pill eugene gave her and she ended her life in an attempt to kill negan. she came in a coffin and she was a walker. she tried to bite him." daryl said. "i guess that didn't work." she said rolling her eyes. "how did eugene get to the sanctuary anyways?"

"he betrayed us. he joined the saviours." daryl said. "god dammit." she said getting up, she didn't care about the pain. she needed to do something. daryl picked her up and put her back on her bed. "chill." he said, she fell asleep about an hour later.

3 days later

lily was able to walk again, she needed to do something. the only thing she was thinking about was killing negan. they were attacking the sanctuary that day.

"your not going!" daryl screamed at her mid argument. "yes i am." she said. "i can deal with myself."

"don't blame me when your dead." he said. "wasn't planning on dying dad." she said walking into the car with rick. "what's the plan?" she asked.

"we are attacking." he said. "no shit but like how?" she asked with a snicker. "with the guns we stole." he said. "what have i missed in 3 days? damn." she said. "i'll catch you up after. we gotta do this. shoot to kill." he said sincere. she nodded she grabbed the biggest gun they had. "ricky!" negan yelled.

"hello." he said. "we are here to-"

"my god rick! we are here to kill you deal with it!" lily cut it off shooting someone in the head. "wait god dammit!" negan screamed. everyone stopped. "how are you back?"

"i heal quickly. this is war shut up." she shot someone else. she hid behind a wall to dodge the bullets. eric and aaron ran to a tree, she watched. eric was shot. lily ran full speed to eric, which hurt a whole lot. she didn't say anything she threw her backpack on the ground. she pulled eric's shirt up and put gauze on the gunshot, she gave him heavy pain meds. "sorry eric." she said.

"wait. i just want you to know, don't listen to anyone. do what you want to do. stay safe. keep aaron safe." he said he passed away. "thank you." she said tears running down her face. she ran as fast as she could possibly go to the woods. when she found a good tree she did what she always did, sat beside it. she didn't care if someone was mad at her or scared she was dead. she couldn't care less what daryl thought. lily just wanted to mourn eric's death for a moment. she walked back to alexandria 4 hours later.

after walking for a half an hour she arrived back to alexandria. she walked in and went to the park, she swung on the swing. "where have you been?!" daryl screamed at her.

"the woods." she said. she thought about saying your moms house but that was a bit to far. "i was worried sick!" daryl continued to yell at her. "okay?" she said shrugging.

"what is wrong with you?" he asked still yelling. "what isn't wrong with me?" she asked. "what your not pretty enough for the other girls, that's what your mad about? your actin like a child!" he shouted. "i'm 8 stupid." he thought for a moment.

"nothings wrong with me. it's clear you have everything wrong with you." she said, walking to her room. daryl grabbed the back of her shirt. "let go of me."

"no." he said. "what is fucking wrong with you?" she screamed, "i'm done!" she got out of his grip and found cali. "lilia. i did something." she said. lily walked in with her. she had killed 14 people. "why?" she asked. "i don't know." cali replied. "i'm sorry. i can't help you." lily said walking out. she was going to regret that.

she went to carls house and sat on the couch by carl.

"you okay sis?" he asked. "eric is dead. cali killed a bunch of people. daryl is pissed at me." she said. "cali did what?" he asked. "killed a bunch of alexandrians." she said.

"fuck." carl said. "wow your growin up. usin bad cuss words." she said with a smile. carl rolled his eyes and put his arm around lilys shoulders. lily walked outside of the house with carl, daryl was watching this man do something.

supposedly the man was the father of the kid cali had killed. he was hanging her. lily screamed. and tried to run but carl held her back, she desperately tried to get out of his grip, until she did. she climbed up the fence, she was going to be hung from the guard tower. she pushed the man to the other side of the fence. he screamed before falling on the ground. but when she looked back... cali had been hung, he was stopping it from happening. lilia screamed.

"love you." cali said in a choked low voice. lily jumped off the fence, it was a ten foot jump but she was fine. she never thought this would happen. this was all her fault. she could've helped her. she ran to cali. "i'm so sorry." she said not crying... yet. she hadn't comprehended what happened until she got a good look at calis deceased face. she was so young. she didn't mean it, it was an appalling thing to accidentally do. but she didn't mean to. lilia dixon had lost her other best friend.

little did anyone know, calinia brinn antera was schizophrenic. none of this was her fault.

authors note 😐

1135 words

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