061, aftermath.

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4 months later the winter has began and it had begun to snow outside, negan hadn't left yet because everyone was gathering at alexandria. it was a horrible snowstorm. lilia gathered all the things she needed to keep because if they broke it would be terrible. everyone held hands and walked through the snow making sure everyone had a good grip and wasn't gonna fall. dog had ran off and judith followed. lily ran after her.

"judith!" lilia screamed. "i'm here." judith said petting dog. lilia tripped over a rock. "shit!" she screamed. "language." judith said, "sorry." she ripped off part of her shirt and wrapped it around her knee, wincing. lily picked her and she wrapped around her kind of like a koala using her unzipped jacket to stay warm, "don't ever do that again jude." lily told her. judith nodded "your leg looks like shit." she said. "damn ms. grimes watch your mouth." dog followed the two. judith didn't let go of lily, she didn't have much trouble holding her but her knee hurt a lot, when they got to the sanctuary where it was slightly warm. lily kept judith close.

"keep my mom away from me." judith said, "why?" lily asked. "she'll stab me if she finds out i snuck away." she said.

"i'll keep you safe." lily reassured her. "can i say a cuss word?" judith asked. "what am i gonna do? tell on you? i'm lily dixon, go ahead." she said.

"alpha is a fucking bitch." she said. lily looked at her shocked. "your a lot like carl you know that?" she asked. "how?"

"carl never ever said cuss words, until one day. the day he screamed at negan he said every one in the book, i was proud." lily said.

"weren't you like 8 and he was 14?" she asked. "yup, but i was always more dirty mouthed then him." she replied. "got it." judith said.

"he'd be so proud of you." lily said smiling at her, judith looked up at her. "i really miss him, i barely remember his voice and a few boys broke our finger paint wood thing on the wall." judith said. "who?" she asked. "their names were troy and noah."

"damn, those assholes used to bully me too." she pulled up her shirt revealing the N on her stomach. "noah did this to me." judith's eyes widened.

"i miss him too, i really do." lily said. "he's gone and i can't do anything about it." judith said beginning to cry. "it's okay jude. i'm here." lily hugged her, they were sitting next to eachother on the floor in the corner with a blanket over them anyways. "i love you."

"i love you too." judith said. lily just let her cry, she needed this. they sat there for about an hour and a half and judith had fallen asleep. lily read a comic while she slept. daryl walked over and sat beside the two.

"she okay?" daryl asked. "yeah, she's just tired." lily whispered back.

"thanks for takin care of her." daryl said. "god knows michonne won't."

"i know, she asked me to keep her away from her." lily said. "really?" he asked continuing to whisper. "yeah, im keeping her here, she's being bullied by those boys that used to bully me but one of them is dead now." lily said. "i'll take over." daryl assured her. lily nodded getting up and finding noah. he was in the back of the sanctuary alone.

"nice seeing you again." she smiled at him. "ugh, you?" he asked. "your old habits never went away i guess, seems like you were messing with my sister." lily said.

"yeah, she's a baby." he rolled his eyes. "a lot to say when you look like macaulay culkin." lily said walking towards him holding onto her knife. "you bully people because you can't deal with yourself, your parents are dead and you need to take out your anger on other people. you have no power. i have it now." lily said.

"you need to learn to live a normal life."  she stabbed him in the stomach. "go to hell with troy." stabbing him in the head before walking to judith and cleaning off her knife getting rid of the evidence. 28 people.

lily sat down on the opposite side of daryl, he got up. judith woke up. "you okay?" lily asked.

"yeah, i'm okay." she replied. the snow began to subside and they had to go to hilltop. having to pass alphas territory, alpha grabbed lily no one did anything they just kept walking. everyone, even judith knew it was best. "hi." alpha said.

"hey carly." she said then alpha grabbed a twig and she held lilias arm out while another whisperer held her so she couldn't leave. beta hit her with the twig, she didn't flinch. no matter what. don't flinch she told herself, don't flinch.

they were through with that so they looked at her face seeing her neck. he grabbed his knife and cut part of it she didn't move. she stared into his eyes a demonic smile on her face. lily kicked him in the balls and alpha cut her above her eyebrow restricting her vision. she knocked alpha over knocking her breath out she stabbed the whisperer she stabbed beta and ran away from them. get to daryl. get to daryl. get to daryl.

daryl wasn't far away he couldn't leave them with her. she fell into his arms he used his shirt to clean the blood off her face and neck they jumped in a car that had gas it was a miracle they made it to hilltop. judith was waiting at the door. daryl ran faster then ever his daughter almost unconscious in his arms, judith ran beside them the doctor helped her a lot. the blood was gone she had stitches in her face and neck when she awoke in extreme pain. she winced which hurt more. a few tears ran down her face.

daryl looked at her. "it's okay." he rubbed her forehead. she lifted her arm. "i'm gonna kill that fuckface clown." lily said. after daryl saw the scars on her arm his heart dropped. his poor daughter. "you can't kill her." daryl said. "yeah i can. watch me." daryl nodded. "okay."

bye bye carly. :)

authors note 👍👍

bye bye carly. :)

1065 words

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