059, i have a trade.

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there she was. alpha at their door, lily had never seen her, she had just heard stories. and oh my god! she did not disappoint. she had a bald head, covered in dirt. she just looked straight out of a horror movie. like she would jump out from under your bed with a huge creepy smile on her face. she was just disgusting looking. and that voice. that damn voice was just annoying.

"i got this guys." lily said showing the peace sign and walking down the guard tower. "the hell you want mr clean?"

"you guys have my girl." alpha said, unbothered by the comment. "yeah, you can have her." lily said taking a step forward showing a smirk.

"2 for 1. good trade." alpha said. "i already agreed where's baldo." lily said.

"my names alpha." she said. "i thought y'all didn't have no damn names. you chose alpha? goddamn, i'm calling you carly." lilia smiled at her. "alright carly, your kid should be comin, give us ours."

"no. give me my daughter." alpha said. "like you ever gave a flying fuck about her anyways." she turned serious. "excuse me?" she asked.

"damn it,  you heard me, what are ya helen keller?" she asked. she just kept shooting insults.

"give. us. ours. or i kill every single one of you." she said completely unphased by alpha. a big man walked up.

"respect alpha." he said. "who are you?" she asked. "beta." he said. "what's next? omega? megabyte?" she asked. he grabbed her collar, she stared at him blank. "you aren't all that. you aren't cool, you ain't nothing to me." she said. "you don't trouble me." beta said. "trouble you? i could not care less what i mean to you. what's your actual name?" she asked. "my parents didn't name me." he said.

she fake laughed. "hilarious. im dead." lily smiled at him. she got out of his grip somehow and they let alden and luke come with. "adopted asshole." she whispered to herself. luke's group came running and enid did too. she told them to all go back immediately.

"get lydia." she told daryl. daryl grabbed her. "i'm really sorry lydia." she whispered to her. "stay safe." she brought her out to alpha. alpha played with her hair but then slapped her. lily slapped alpha. "karma." she said. everyone brought their weapons out. she put out her arms "kill me, i'd like to see you try."

beta punch her in the face making her gums bleed. she didn't fall, just to stand her ground. literally.

she was in a lot of pain but kept a straight face. beta looked at her. "watch it." he said in that deep rumbly voice he always had. "you too." she smiled with her bloody teeth. which hurt very bad not to mention. she walked back to alexandria. daryl was at the door. he had heard the whole thing.

"quit riskin your life." daryl said. "i'm just havin some fun." she looked up at him. "your worryin me." he said. "okay, i'll totally stop." she smirked at him. gage high fived her after seeing her be such a badass, eugene wanted to be her, he could never.

later that day henry had snuck out to get lydia. lily knew it. her and daryl went to the camp to find them. henry had gotten into trouble. just like always. it was late at night so her and daryl threw a timer for 3 minutes into the camp and all the walkers were attracted to the sound. they went for the whisperers so daryl and lilia put on some masks and snuck in and got them. they had went into a big building to have a talk.

"okay henry. why?" she asked. "what do you mean, i'm saving her from that horrible woman." he said. "your aloud to but i can't?"

"um yes. i can handle myself and i don't need someone to come save me. i can save myself unlike you." lily looked at him with a weird look. "i didn't need you guys to save me." henry said. "yeah sure you little pussy!" she shouted. "hey, come on." daryl said. "sorry dad." henry laughed.

"your daddy needs to get mad at you." henry said. "at least i have one!" she got up. "lilia!" daryl scolded her. she sat back down.

a few walkers came into the building. lily stabbed one daryl killed the rest. one was a whisperer. they killed it. lily had fell and cracked her knee open. henry had done something to scratch his elbows. they went to this doctor and they gave lily some gauze and she waited for henry to go. he was a baby about it. they literally put some rubbing alcohol on his cuts, then lily went and they used a full on needle to stitch her up which HURT. but she survived. lilia had a limp but she could walk. they went back to hilltop and lily layed on her bed. daryl walked in. "i thought you were datin henry." he said sitting beside her.

"the only reason why he wants lydia is because they are together." lily told him. "sorry lily." he said. "it's fine." she said. "i don't really care anymore.

"yeah, sure." he said. "i really don't." she smiled. "okay." he said ruffling her hair. they had a little town meeting on who to keep and who to know, talking about lydia and yumikos group. not much happened, lily was annoyed about michonne not wanting anyone to come because of an incident she had but that was dumb because they were just straight assclowns. these people were normal, lily sat beside judith if anything broke out she needed to keep an eye on her. they sat in the front row daryl ont he other side of her. judith looked up at her after they found magnas prison tattoo.

"i feel bad for the girl." judith said, "me too, like damn don't be so hard on her." lily replied. judith looked at her agreeing. they chose to keep them both their, basically everything was going on everywhere. so they were at alexandria then hilltop all in the same day.


authors note 😤😤

basically it's currently 11:30 and it's so fun listening to the neighborhood and writing at night, i don't wanna go back to school next week 😒 anyways next chapter is totally bonkers :)

1072 words

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