046, like a disney movie.

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lily layed on her bed in the trailer her and daryl were staying in, she was trailing off her mind from jonah and glenn. maggie walked in.

"hey kiddo." maggie said. lily thought she was stabbed in the heart. "hi mags." lily said.

"are you okay?" she asked. lily looked up, she blamed herself for glenn, she thought that maybe if she stopped him from leaving with the group, she maybe could have stopped it. she could have let their child have a dad.

"i'm sorry maggie." lily said. maggie could tell she blamed herself. "lily, it's not-"

"yeah. it is, maybe i could've done something, i could've stopped it, saved him. persuaded negan to kill me instead." lily said maggie grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a hug.

"it's not your fault, you know that." lily nodded.

"maggie." she said. "yeah?" she asked.

"i'm sorry about..." lily didn't want to say his name. "glenn."

"it's okay, i'm trying." maggie said. she walked out of the trailer. daryl walked in, he had been doing something.

"cmon!" he yelled in a panic, they both ran and hid behind a big slab of metal, they didn't know if the saviours were there, or what.

daryl and lily walked out. rick was hugging maggie. he walked over to daryl, they both had tears in their eyes. she saw carl, she didn't know what to do. she walked over to carl.

"hey." she said. "hi." he replied. "you okay?"

"i guess." she said giving him a hug. cali jumped on her back. she turned around to hug her. "god i missed you so bad." cali said. lily didn't say anything. they all went to talk to gregory, to see if he would fight with the saviours.

"hi gregory." rick said. gregory rolled his eyes. "hello." he said.

"we wanted to propose-"

"nope! not fighting!" he said cutting off rick. that got on lilys nerves. "but we could do it." rick said.

"rhetorical!" he shouted. "we might fight, if we feel like it."

"you either with us or you ain't!" daryl yelled at him.

"okay, for one don't talk to me that way, redneck. two, i'm not with you." gregory said.

"hey, gregory." lily said. he raised his eyebrows, lily had never talked to him.

"let me get this straight, you want to sit on your ass and let the saviours bleed you dry, take you for all you got. instead of trying to fight them." lily said. "do you know how stupid that sounds."

"lily." rick said. "rick, let me do this." lily said. rick put his hands up amusedly.

"you can sit in this chair and act like a king, a president, a damn pharaoh if you want. but you ain't nothin but an old man with a stupid name. your a pussy and you sit at this desk all damn day and act like you know it all, although you've never risked shit a day in your life. if you didn't have these walls you woulda been dead a long time ago. you need to understand that the people here, jesus, the people you boss around, they are the people keeping you safe. rick, daryl, maggie. not margaret. literally everyone but you are keeping this place safe yet you choose to make the final decisions." she paused. everyone smiled at her. gregory looked at her shocked.

"this is why you had no friends growing up, let's be honest. sit in this chair and die for all i care. we are fighting whether you like it or not. fuck you." she walked out with everyone with her. daryl was so proud.

"walking dick." sasha said.

"stupid bitch." cali rolled her eyes. daryl low fived lilia. rosita did the same. "if abe was here he would be so proud." rosita said. lily smiled up at her.

TRYING, daryl dixon ✔️Where stories live. Discover now