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In this dark world there has always been a tale, of seven boys who have lives for centuries, feeding off of human blood.

Their names were


The seven vampires that made nobody dare to leave their homes at night.


"Don't you think that they sound like them?" Bora asked Aecha as they walked down their school hallways to their next class

"huh?" Aecha snapped out of her thoughts and look at her friend, who frowned at her

"Were you even listening?"

"Ah.. not really, sorry Bora" Aecha sheepishly smiled at her friend

"It's fine, it's not like you would believe waht I said anyways, you don't think vampires are real" Bora huffed

"I mean— why would I? That story was made ages and ages ago" Aecha shrugged

"Fair enough, but it just happens to be a coincidence that they line up with it" they then departed ways as Aecha went into her history class whole Bora went further down the hallway to mathematics.

Aecha had more to worry about on her mind, she didn't have a date to the Moon Ball tonight.

Once every ten years, the Moon Ball is held. The most popular masquerade ball, where everyone attends.

The most important part was, the dance, of course. You even learn it in school. But what do you need to do in order to do the dance?

Have a partner of course.

You would not be allowed to enter if you didn't have one.

It was hosted by several families, that started 100 years ago, and they still continue on the tradition.

Aecha furrowed her eyebrows as she sat me t to her seat mate, Ni-ki, or Riki, but everyone calls him Ni-ki for some reason. Funnily enough, he was the son of one of families that hosted the Moon Ball.

"Hey Aecha, are you going to the Moon Ball?" He asked her, and she nodded slowly

"Well.. I want to go but I can't"

"Why? Did something happen?"

"You should know why, I don't have a date"

"Oh.. I see, sorry about that" he struggled to convey emotions like this, but he tried his best, he suddenly remembered something and jolted, causing Aecha to give him an odd look

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