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"do I look okay..?" Aecha asked her three friends as she looked at herself in Bora's full length mirror.

?" Aecha asked her three friends as she looked at herself in Bora's full length mirror

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"You look stunning!" Her three friends flattered her and she thanked them profusely

They then climbed into the car and made their way to the Moon Ball. The venue was a small castle— it's wasn't even a mansion as Jungwon mentioned

"Woah.." the four of them gawked at it in amazement as they drove up.

They had never been before, the past two years they skipped it and had a sleepover instead. And anyone before they enter high school isn't allowed.

"We have arrived, have a good time." The driver announced and they got out, looking for their dates.

Jungwon, Sunghoon, Jake and Jay stood by the gate and Jay pointed at the girls walking up the steps.

Jungwon was wearing a black suit with a green tie, Aecha took notice of this as she recalled that he asked her what colour she would be wearing tonight. His hair was like before, half up half down, but the ends were curled. He looked at her, with his mouth ajar

"I—is there something wrong with my dress..?" She hesitantly asked scanning herself

"No! I was just.. admiring your beauty"

Aecha blushed at his compliment and the four guys took out the masks

"Here are our masquerade masks.. I hope they're okay"

 I hope they're okay"

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"Wow.. they're beautiful!" Aecha exclaimed as she carefully put it onto her face

Jungwon chuckled as it was a bit odd centre and adjusted it for her

"It matches perfectly with you"

He put his black masquerade mask on and she slid her arm into his arm, linking them together.

"Let's go, shall we?" He proposed to the six others and they nodded.

The eight of them headed up more stairs, and paused at the door. They met up with the three other hosts and their dates, lining up in an order.

"Yang Jungwon & Kim Aecha" a man announced as they walked through the door, the ballroom was beautifully decorated. They stood at the top of the staircase, smiling and waving, before heading down.

"Hello, Aecha, i'm Jungwon's mom and this is his dad, thank you for attending the ball with my son tonight." A woman and a man came up to the two as they greeted their classmates at the bottom.

Huh— they just all get their hair dyed together? There is no way that Mr and Mrs Yang are a day over 40, yet they have the same silver white hair like Jungwon.

"Nice to meet you Mr and Mrs Yang" she bowed to them

"Jungwon, please look after this girl tonight, she is lovely." Mrs Yang said to her son in a some what threatening tone

"I will mom, don't worry"

Aecha felt an odd atmosphere in the room, something was wrong, but she couldn't lay her finger on it. Maybe it was just too hot in the ballroom due to all the people and talking.

"Let's go have a drink, shall we?" Jungwon held out his hand for Aecha to hold and she gently placed her hand on his as he led her to the drinks that were laid out onto the table

Aecha's friends has already reached the table, as expected.

"Aechaaaaaa!! This Prosecco is so good" Bora exclaimed, as she held onto Jake's arm

"Yah.. control yourself, we still have an hour of dancing to do" Aecha sighed

"Aecha, right?" Jake asked her and she nodded

"And you're Jake?" He nodded and handed her and Jungwon a glass of Prosecco. Jake had bright red hair, and lime green eyes. It contrasted well with his pale skin.

"Don't drink too much, Aecha" Jungwon said, but paused when he saw her finish the whole glass


Jake bursted out into laughter and Jungwon joined in with him, until he lightly hit him and he gave him a confused look

He pointed at his mouth

"You.. have something in your tooth" Jake's eyes widened and he covered his mouth

"Bora, can we go for a walk outside for a bit? I feel a bit dizzy.." Aecha grabbed Bora's hand

"Sure" she replied and they linked arms

"We should be back in time, but if we lose track of it we'll be out on the balcony"

The two girls left, into a much quieter place.

"Don't you feel that there is.."

"Something weird about this place?" Bora finished Aecha's sentence

"It's odd, like I feel everyone's piercing their eyes into my back. But not only that, it's like something is wrong.."

"I totally ge—"

"Aecha, we have to go prepare for our dance now" Jungwon said behind the two, making them jolt back in his sudden presence

"Where did you come from—?!" Bora put her hand on her heart, breathing heavily

"Sorry if I scared you, Bora" Jungwon smiled, before holding out his arm for Aecha to link.

"I'll see you on the dance floor~" Aecha said to Bora as he took her back into the ballroom

"They've altered the dance for the Chaconne for us two, since we are in the centre of it"

"Oh.. I see, what did they change?"

"I just lift you up for a little longer, I thought I'd let you know"

A man with black hair then gathered everyone's attention from up above

"Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our annual Moon Ball. We are delighted to have you here tonight."

"We are going to start our night off with the ballroom dancing, of course. Girls and boys, please prepare yourselves."

"Let's go, shall we?" Jungwon slid his hand down Aecha's arm and intertwined their fingers before they departed onto the opposite sides of the ballroom.

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