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They set off at the crack of dawn, in the direction of the caves.

Where Jungwon was being held captive.

The thought lingered in Aecha's head of how he was being treated.

And overall, her love for him was something that was generally quite awkwardly formed.

Forced to be together for the rest of their lives, falling in love with him, his family disapproving of her, her running away and then she comes all the way back because she doesn't want him to endure any pain.

That's normal— right?

After 6 long hours of travelling, they arrived at the entrance, putting the hoods of their cloaks up, six Red velvet and four navy Blue.

They settled their horses outside and ventured into the caves. Heeseung knew the route like the back of his hand by now, after staring into every single detail of that map.

There was a certain point, where Aecha would have to go by herself, while the others would have to stay back.

"Come back safe, okay?" Bora hugged Aecha tightly.

"Bora and I will track your thoughts and stay connected with you throughout the whole thing, so we know when to come if you need help and whatever else" Heeseung softly smiled at Aecha, putting his hand on her shoulder.

"Okay" Aecha nodded firmly, trying to stay as calm as possible.

Soon enough, she was all by herself, and they watched her cloaked figure disappear further and further down.

"she should be arriving soon, if she doesn't show- it really shows that she doesn't love you" a man said, holding Jungwon's chin up with the edge of his knife.

Jungwon was tied firmly to a pole, where he had been beaten, cut, etc.

"Such a pretty boy.." a woman examined his face, his eyes glared into her soul through his messy hair that covered them, "with a pretty shitty attitude."

There was a hope that was slowly dying in Jungwon that Aecha would show up.

Footsteps were heard in the distance, and all of their ears pricked up at the sound of the shoes click clacking along the stone.

A cloaked figure in navy blue appeared from the shadows, her entire face was shadowed, besides her lips and chin.

"She has arrived" a rebel exclaimed

"So, you finally decided to show up, Aecha." Supposedly the leader announced, stepping forward.

Aecha saw Jungwon's state upon the pole, as his eyes glistened at the view of his saviour

"You have decided to turn yourself in, and save Crown Prince Jungwon?"

"What a sweet little love story!" One cooed at Aecha

She didn't move an inch, and just simply stood there, Jungwon sensed a different aura from her.

"It's Princess Aecha. Get it fucking correct." Her sword was up to the leader's throat, smashing him into the cavern's wall.

Her cloak's hood slowly fell, revealing her silky hair and drop dead gorgeous face— nobody would dare lay a finger on.

"She's a bit fiesty!" One of the rebels chuckled

"Pretty face too, I guess the Crown Prince has good taste in Blue Bloods." The leader gritted through his teeth, grinning.

Aecha pushed the sword into his throat a little, the metal burning into the skin as blood escaped.

"Cut the pretty talk, will you? Release Jungwon this instant, I'm here now. So let him go." Aecha demanded

"Okay, okay. Release the boy and put Aecha in his place"

"What do you mean?!" Jungwon blurted out as he the ropes loosened, "you agreed to— you said—"

"Hold on, I just agreed to seal the gate, not to be tortured for the rest of my life!" Aecha exclaimed

"A deal is a deal, Princess." The leader cunningly answered, Aecha stepped away from him, backing into Jungwon.

She handed him his sword she had brought along.

"Bring us all you fucking got, we'll kill them all if we have to." Aecha said, her eyes started to glow teal, the mixture of Jungwon's super speed and the blue blood's ability flowed through her.

"Oh— she's so sure of herself!" They all took out their weapons, then out of the smaller caves, appeared more rebels.

Their red eyes glowed in the shadows, there was at least 300 vampires, ready to kill if they had to.

"Come at us, are you scared?" Jungwon tilted his head, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips, preparing himself.

"Don't kill them! Just do some damage to them and lock them up! We can't have our Key to shutting the gate die!" The leader commanded

Key? Does he mean me?

Aecha thought, that must've been their name for her. She interlocked fingers with Jungwon, as they stood against each other.

All of the rebels charged at the two, blood splattered everywhere, screams and yells echoed throughout the cave.


"Agh!" Jungwon gritted his teeth as he clenched his stomach, where a rebel had wounded him.

"Jungwo—!" Aecha turned back to him, but just then, a group of vampires held her back, tying her hands up.

"We got her now~" a rebel coyly smiled.

"No you haven't." Aecha looked at them, her eyes were glowing a teal colour, before the rebels couldn't testify her statement, they were already dead on the floor.

"Get— off of me!" Jungwon grunted as he caught two vampires off of him, he was bleeding out, badly.

"We need to get out of here, Jungwon!" Aecha said to him, killing the rebels. They had killed almost all of them now.

"Let's go then!" Jungwon said, holding her hand in his.

Using their super speed, they escaped, barely.

They saw the lights of their friends.

"Jungwon, Aecha!" Jake called out as his footsteps approached them.

"We- we made it, but- we have to go! Now!" Aecha was out of breath, Jungwon was losing a lot of blood right now.

"Come back here you bastards!" A rebel's voice rang from deeper into the cave.

The rest nodded, it was time to leave.

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