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"I feel so bad for Aecha y'know?" Sunghoon suddenly said as he, Jay and Jake walked down the hallway the following morning

"I get what you mean, the poor girl has so many duties to learn" Jake sighed, giving the girl some sympathy

"It's not just that— yesterday before our training, she was bawling her eyes out to me"


"Her parents can't come to her own wedding, they don't even know that she's a vampire"

"She has to go through that all alone, and we can't even help her because we have never been through what she has"

"No, it's not that— the king won't let her even contact her parents"

"HUH? REALLY?" Jay exclaimed

"I know.. everything must be so hard on her"

"What do you think we can do to help?"

"What if we take her into the village this evening?" 

"Would we be allowed?"

"Who said they have to know.." Jake grinned mischievously

"Where's Prince Jungwon at these days?"

"He's busy doing something as always, you know how busy he gets when he's back here in the vampire world"

"Yeah but not THIS busy"

"Should we tell him about our plan to sneak out tonight?"

"Naur way— he wouldn't let her go!" Jake shook his head

The three of them entered the dining hall, where the four other vampires and Aecha sat. The rest of the royal family weren't present.

"Good morning!" Jay announced

"Good morning~" the rest replied

Aecha gave Sunghoon a small smile as he sat in his seat diagonally to her

"Aecha, do you have anything in your schedule later in the evening?" Jake asked her, at first, she was confused as to why he was using telepathy to ask, but didn't really bother to ponder on it for much longer

"After dinner I have no plans, why do you ask Jake?"

"You like dancing right?" Sunghoon suddenly joined the conversation

"Yeah? Why?"

"We have somewhere special to take you! We will come to your room at 7pm and pick you up"

"Does Jungwon know about this?"

"He's always busy these days.." Jay awkwardly replied

"Is there any sort of attire I need to wear?"

"Whatever you feel comfortable dancing in I guess?"

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