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After a day's worth of walking, they began to see the kingdom in the distance, bringing their determination levels back up.

"Prince Jungwon, Princess Aecha and their trusty companions have returned, safe and sound!" A man announced as they walked through the village.

Jungwon held Aecha's hand throughout the whole way through the kingdom's village and into the castle

"Jungwon, you made it back." The king said, coldly. Clearly they didn't get along.

"I did, and we will be taking our leave soon." Jungwon bluntly replied

"What- what on earth do you mean?!" The king was outraged by the boy's statement.

"We are leaving for the Blue Blood realm in a couple of hours, and we do not plan on coming back."

"Surely- you must think through this, to throw all of your life away as a royal here, to join the filthy blue bloods?!"

"Either way, King Yang, I will be a royal in the blue blood kingdom, now if you will excuse us, we will begin packing."

"Ready to go back?" Aecha asked Bora and Micha, they nodded, "you guys ready to enter our homeland?"

The seven boys nodded eagerly, they had packed up their belongings extremely fast, and were ready to leave the vampire kingdom.

They stood in Jungwon's bedroom, the door locked.

Aecha opened the portal, and a gush of wind blew them all back for a moment. They all stepped into the portal, entering the Blue Blood realm, shutting the portal behind them like it never existed.

On the other side, Aecha, Bora, Micha and Hanni's parents waited inside of the portal room.

Once Aecha made eye contact with Hanni's parents, she walked over to them, and got onto her knees, bowing to them.

"I'm so, so sorry. Hanni didn't make it." She said, the rest soon joined her.

"Please, get up, Hanni wouldn't want to see you do this." Hanni's mother said gently

You could tell they were grief-stricken, but they stayed strong.

"Who are these boys, Aecha?" The king, her grandfather asked her, everyone tilted their heads at the unfamiliar boys.

"This, is Yang Jungwon, my boyfriend. The rest are his friends, they're like his guardian angels."

"Oh my- it's such a pleasure to meet you, Jungwon!" The king smiled warmly.

"I would like to assign them as my royal guards, joining Jun and Minghao." Aecha stated

"Of course, Aecha. Whatever you'd like. We will prepare their bedrooms for them in the guards dorms."

"Thank you, grandfather."

The boys were extremely taken aback by Aecha's family's kind nature, the complete opposite to what they were used to.

"I would also like to arrange a funeral, for Hanni. A special one."

"We will have something arranged, she deserves it."

A few days had passed since they had returned to the Blue Blood Realm, Jungwon was healed rather quickly, and the boys were assigned dorms in the castle's royal guard dormitory, they became aquatinted with their seniors, Jun and Minghao.

They were enrolled to attend the school Aecha Bora and Micha had been attending for the past few months, and they were buzzing with excitement at the fact it would feel normal.

But of course, there's always some negatives. Everyone tried to support Jay through grieving the loss of Hanni. Aecha decided to get him some therapy sessions with the royal family's therapist.

It was the day of Hanni's funeral. Her picture was framed in the middle, surrounded by beautiful blue and white flowers, smaller pictures of her with all of her friends were framed at the bottom. Everyone had gathered, to mourn the loss of one of the crown princess' guardian angels.

Death is never easy to handle.

There was a lot of crying, hugging, etc.

The remaining ten, lived on for Hanni, so that she could see in heaven how much they will have achieved for her.

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