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Aecha hurriedly knocked on Jungwon's dorm door a couple times as she stood outside. A couple milliseconds later he swung the door open, he had a black t-shirt on and grey baggy pants, his face dropped when he saw her drained face.

"I'm— why am I feeling this way, I feel hungry but I already ate!" She grabbed her hair in stress, she couldn't figure out why she was feeling this way. She was ravenous.

"You need blood, vampires don't need to eat regular food as they live off of blood" he scooped her into his dorm

"Where... where can I get it?" She pleaded as she held onto his arms

"I— I don't have any, shit" he muttered under his breath, "This.. it should be alright"

"What is it?"

"Bite me. Drink my blood." He hesitantly said and Aecha's eyes widened

"But.. what if your roommate sees us here?" She hissed under her breath as they stood in the space dividing the two rooms

Jungwon took her wrist and lead her into his room, she observed it quickly, messy, but neat.

Without warning, he started to lift up his shirt and Aecha covered her eyes

"You could've said something before you did that!" She yelped, yet she still peaked at the boy's lower torso.

His pants were low waisted and she saw a very prominent v-line and abs, she couldn't help but look at that.

"Yet.. you're still taking a peak at me, huh? Also the collar on this t-shirt isn't stretchy so.." He smirked and she felt like her face turned into a tomato.

Giving up, she removed her hands from her face and admired his body

Jesus christ.. he must work out, he has a full 6 pack! His shoulders.. they're so nice a broad.

Aecha slowly looked at him from bottom up to the top and her eyes glowed at the look of his bare neck.

"Bite me.." he tempted her and held onto her waist, a very familiar feeling once again to two nights ago.

Without hesitation, she opened her mouth and dug her fangs into his neck, sucking his blood.

Aecha out her hands onto his broad shoulders as she bit into him on her tip toes, she hitched her breath as she heard something from him

Did he.. just whimper?

Jungwon moved his hands slowly down from Aecha's waist but she didn't notice, she was too busy processing the fact he just whimpered because she was sucking blood out of him.

After a few minutes, she released her fangs from him and their heavy breathing filled the room.

They then noticed that Jungwon had her pinned against his bedroom door as he held his hands somewhere where they shouldn't have been and they were inches apart


"YOU'RE GOING TO BE IN SAURRR MUCH TROUBLE BY HEESEUNG~" A familiar Australian accent teased from the other side of the door

"IM NOT MAKING OUT WITH ANYONE JAKE" Jungwon argued as the two removed themselves from each other and he opened his door

"YOI WHY ARE YOU SHIRTLESS!!" Jake yelled as he covered his eyes

"I was drinking his blood..." Aecha peaked out from behind the door and Jake let out an ear piercing scream

"Jeez I need to get used to your scent, I 100% thought that Jungwon had brought a girl over to fu—"

"THATS enough now Jake! You know I don't do that to girls"

"I'm just joking~" Jake teasingly hit his best friend's arm and the three of them bursted out into laughter

"Anyways— are you allowed to do that..? Like drunk blood from another vampire?"

"Usually not but because we're bonded it's okay, I think.." Jungwon replied and Jake sighed

"You think? Maybe ask Heeseung?"

"Heeseung is it okay for Aecha to um.. drink blood from Jungwon via biting him? Not saying she's done it or anything.."

"you— WHAT?"

"What does it do?"

Suddenly Aecha dropped to the floor and the two teen boys screamed so high pitched that a dog could probably sill hear it.

"AECHA! AECHA?" Jungwon held her in his arms as he shook her


"Everyone go to Jake and Jungwon's dorm, now"


"On my way!"


Jungwon carried Aecha back into his bedroom and laid her on his bed, he leaned close to her to check if she was breathing and let out a sigh of relief when he heard her faint breathing

Their dorm door burst open at the 5 other boys entered and they filled Jungwon's bedroom

"Why would you do that?" Heeseung asked as he ushered the younger to the side to examine Aecha.

"You know we don't have any blood left at the moment and she hasn't had any for three days— new vampires are supposed to start off with it everyday, she was desperate!"

"Why didn't you ask us for confirmation before?" Jay scolded Jungwon and his eyes filled with hurt

"I— I'm sorry!" He bowed profusely

"It's okay Jakah, usually you don't make mistakes— we all make them at some point." Sunghoon swung his arm around Jungwon's shoulder

"She's in some sort of semi-coma, she should wake up in the morning like it was a regular sleep" Heeseung explained after a short examination of her

"Is she going to stay here ?" Ni-ki asked


"Can I get some water?" Heeseung asked and Jungwon nodded before excusing himself from the room

As he got to the kitchen he felt s sharp pain in his heart

"AAH!" He fell onto his knees, Jake and Sunghoon came out to check to see what was wrong with the boy

"What's wrong?!"

"My— my heart! It hurts!"

Sunghoon suddenly princess style carried Jungwon back into his bedroom and laid him next to Aecha who remained unconscious

"It must be the bond, it's getting stronger" Heeseung furrowed his eyebrows

"Shi, can't you work your magic and manipulate them so they can live without the bond making them attached or something"

"Do you want me to die? Do you know how hard that is?" Sunoo dead panned Ni-ki

"Don't worry, the bond should get more relaxed in about a month"

"A MONTH?" Jungwon repeated and Heeseung nodded

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