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YESTERDAY, at 7:30pm, soon-to-be Princess Aecha and the 02 unit of the Seven Vampires made an unexpected appearance at the town plaza.

ONE of the band members, was actually talked to by these noble four and we were able to talk to him today.

— " Princess Aecha truly is a beautiful young lady, she was incredibly polite to me and was definitely a crowd pleaser last night. Everybody from the town rushed to the town plaza just to see her graceful dancing. I am incredibly excited for her upcoming wedding!"

MANY vampires are fond of the next princess. She put on an amazing show for everybody with a beaming smile on her face. After the first song, Prince Jungwon appeared and he even joined in. Along with the 02 unit.

AT the end, the Prince and Princess even kissed before their departure.

There was no doubt that last night is something that will go down in history. No member of the royal family has ever joined in the Kingdom Dance before, let alone a human vampire.

"Aecha you sure are the talk of the kingdom" Ni-ki remarked as he finished reading out the local paper.

"The towns people love you already, and you're not even a princess yet" Heeseung lightly laughed

"Why didn't you guys invite me! I would've busted some crazy moves out there" Sunoo whined

"It was only to help Aecha feel more comfortable, you know she misses home and loves dancing"

"The people were so lovely to me, I received so many bouquets of flowers that evening" Aecha's eyes twinkled at all of the beautiful flowers that were on her drawer

"You're so popular already, everyone's calling you the definition of beauty" Ni-ki commented as he continued to read the news paper

"I'll definitely miss the towns people when we return back to Earth" Aecha replied

"Aecha!" A Voice called out as the doors burst open, the Queen, King and Jungwon's parents entered the dining hall

"Everyone loves you dear! You stole so many peoples hearts last night" The Queen stated

"I find it quite irresponsible to be sneaking out of the castle without permission, especially being a human" Jungwon's father spat

the room went silent.

"I— I apologi—" Aecha stood up and bowed towards her higher ups

"It was my fault i came up with the idea to sneak out, I apologise your majesty." Sunghoon intervened

"It was my fault too, I deeply apologise" Jake chimed in, also taking part of the blame

"Me too" Jay said

The three of them bowed 90 degrees to their higher ups

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