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The girls stood on one side, while the boys stood opposite them, in an orderly fashion.

"Now, if you are not attending the ball. Please exit the room." Quite a few students left the room, most were younger years

"If your partner is present in the room, please step forward."

Aecha stepped forward after she saw Jungwon do the same.

"If your partner is not present, please find one now." Only a couple students shuffled around trying to find someone.

"Now, let's begin shall we?"

The music began playing, echoing through-out the room. Both sides stepped forward to be facing their partners.

Aecha admired Jungwon's beauty momentarily, he had silver-ish white hair in a long mullet and emerald green eyes. He was relatively tall, around 5"9, when Aecha looked forward, all she could see was his neck.

The students then organised themselves into their positions in the ballroom.

Jungwon gently placed his right hand around Aecha's waist and held her left hand up to the side. She placed her left hand onto his shoulder.

god damn he has broad shoulders.

He smiled at her slightly, and she smiled back

His dimples are so cute.

The opening dance finished smoothly and they continued on

"Now, please step aside as it is time for the 'Chaconne' with the seven sons of the hosts."

"wait.. what?" Aecha's eyes widened, she had only gone over this dance maybe once or twice as it wasn't relevant for her to learn at the time last week, "I— Jungwon I haven't really learnt this dance yet.."

"It's okay, just follow my lead" he gently smiled at her, as the 7 pairs got ready

Jungwon looked on his wrist and frowned

"Have you got a hair tie?"

"Yeah..? Do you need it?"

He nodded and she handed him her hair tie, he paused slightly, seeing the small white bow that was attached, then tied back his hair. Putting it into a half up half down hair-do.

"Now, let's begin!"

They repositioned themselves into their normal formation and the music started.

This song was a bit more upbeat than the others.

Suddenly, Jungwon put both of his hands onto Aecha's waist

"hold onto my shoulders" he whispered and she did as he said

He then lifted her up into the air momentarily before putting her down and spinning her around, catching her in his arms as she finished.

They exchanged looks, and Aecha felt her face heat up as he stared into her eyes.

He then put her back into their original position and continued the dance.

They finished it well, it would be good enough to do at the ball at least. After that, they resumed with the rest of the dances.

"What colour will you be wearing tonight?"

"Green and white, it kind of matches your hair and eyes" Aecha shut herself up after saying that

That sounded so weird.

"You're kind of right about that— okay I'll wear something to match you then. Since you are my partner, I have to give you a special mask to show that you are one of the host's partners"

"Oh— wow I wasn't expecting that, I thought we would just.. like dance together and that would be... it?" Ni-ki didn't give a terms and conditions to this, did he.

"I hope you don't mind that.. you have to stay at the mansion where it's being held too"



"I mean, yeah. That's okay"

"Are you sure?"

"Yep, I'm sure"

"Have you got a ride to the ball?"

"I'm going with my friends, their dates are Jay, Jake and Sunghoon funnily enough.."

"Oh I see, we have to enter the ballroom together, to obviously get in so we'll wait outside for you"

Aecha thought that Jungwon was a pretty relaxed and cool guy, he is kind too. Not to mention he also has insane reflexes.

Their final practice ended and the students prepared to go home

"How was that? Practicing with Jungwon for the first time~" Bora nudged Aecha as they walked out of the ballroom

"He's really nice and chill"

"How was the Chaconne? You've only done it like twice haven't you" Micha asked Aecha

"Jungwon helped me, so it wasn't too bad. It was just after the first lift and the spin we made such intense eye contact— I was gonna die I swear.." she covered her flushed face, recalling the moment

"Is our Aecha developing a crush~?" Hanni teased her

"No! You guys know that I only wanted to go with him because I wanted to be with you guys, plus, he has his reasons too!"

"Hmm.. okay"

"Meet at my house in an hour?" Bora said as her and Hanni were going to walk in the direction of their houses

"See you girls later"

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