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"What was a dream after all?" Bora raised an eyebrow

"I.. nothing." Aecha mumbled, making her more confused

"Are you okay..?" Bora hugged Aecha

"MERRYYYY CHRISTMASSS!!!" Hanni announced as she and Micha burst through Aecha's bedroom door

"WOO!!!" Micha cheered as she put a Santa hat on Aecha's head while they all wore reindeer ears.

"Merry Christmas~" Aecha hugged them all

"Did you guys see? It started to snow earlier! One of the guards said it might settle and we can go out later!" Bora asked Hanni and Micha, seeming as they had been up for a while

"Yeah, we should totally go out later! We can see if we can go in the ice rink that they put into the town square"

"Aecha.. are you alright? You seem a bit off" Hanni put her hand around her friend's shoulder as they went down the hallway to the dining room

"Yeah, just a dream that is still in my mind.."

"Was it Jungwon again?"

"It was.. all of us actually. The whole group. And we all stayed at school for the winter break, it snowed and we played in it. Then in evening Sunoo was making hot chocolate for everyone while Sunghoon and Micha were having a contest on who can whip cream the fastest, Bora, Jake, Jungwon and me scared the crap out of Heeseung and Hanni was losing to Ni-ki and Jay in Mario Kart"

"That sure is a detailed dream."

"And it can only be a dream now." Aecha sighed

"I'm sorry Aecha" they shared a group hug

"I.. just wish we were all humans.. that lived normal lives. We didn't have to go through any pain." Aecha cried

"We all wish life was like that, it would be so much simpler wouldn't it?"

"I miss him so much..
I miss Jungwon so much.."

Bora, Micha and Hanni felt themselves tear up, knowing that their friend was going through so much and they couldn't do anything to help it.

"I.. I'm sorry for getting all emotional. Let's go and open our presents shall we? And make this the best Christmas ever." Aecha smiled for her friends.

Christmas was a blast, they got the presents on their wish list, ate tasty food, spent time with their families all together.

"Here she comes.. the ice princess!!" Bora announced as Aecha glided onto the ice.

Aecha used to ice skate a lot when she was younger, never professionally, just as a side thing.

"Woah... the vibe is so different here compared to the ice rinks in Korea!" Aecha exclaimed

"Ye— AAHH!!" Hanni clinged onto Micha as she tumbled down, and Micha held onto Bora out of pure reaction.

"Guys?" Aecha turned back, realising her friends were not with her, until she looked to the floor

"AHHAAHH!!" Bora bursted out laughing, while Aecha helped the three up.

"This is so much fun~!" Micha giggled as the four linked arms

Some sad Christmas music started to play, and it was almost like an immediate reminder that Jungwon wasn't there.

"C'mon Aecha, show us some spins" Bora cheered for her, noticing her friend's sombre attitude.

"Okay, I might be a bit rusty though..!" Aecha nervously replied

"So, how was your first Christmas in the Blue Blood Kingdom?"

"It's been great..!"

"But I just wish he was here to
spend it with me."

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