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A snow blanket fell on their school, and Aecha woke up to see everything outside to be white. She swung open her door and ran across to go wake up Bora.

"Bora! Bora wake up! It snowed outside! On Christmas Day!" Aecha shook Bora out of her slumber

"W-WHAT?! QUICK LETS GO WAKE UP THE OTHERS!!" Bora screamed as they scrambled to put on their coats and hats, still in their pyjamas.

Since they went to a boarding school, they could stay at school during the holidays and it turns out it that their whole group stayed for the holidays.

"MICHAAAA!! HANNIIII!!!" Bora banged on their dorm door impatiently, while Aecha ran across to the boys' dorms

"WON! JAKE! WAKE UP LETS GO PLAY IN THE SNOW!!" Aecha knocked on their door

"YEAHHH LETS GAUUURRR" Jake cheered as he opened the door, Jungwon was struggling to put his scarf on.

"Jake you go and get the others, I'll help Jungwon" Aecha said and Jake nodded.

"Let me help you, Won" Aecha wrapped Jungwon in his scarf properly, not noticing how close she was to him

He pulled her into a quick kiss.

"Ah! Won!" Aecha blushed as they walked hand in hand out of his dorm.

They saw the students that had stayed at school running outside, and their friend group clambering down the stairs to get out of the building

"AHH!! SNOW!!" Sunoo screamed as they ran into the field of fresh white snow

"WATCH OUT BO- ra.." Jake shouted, and a snowball hit Bora directly in the back of her head

"YOU STARTED WAR!!" Bora chased Jake around the field with the biggest snowball known to man.

"SNOWBALL FIGHT!!" Jay shouted

They laughed and screamed as they played in the snow like little kids.

It was like a miracle that it had snowed on Christmas Day. They were soon called into the dining hall to have Christmas Dinner, they all sat at a table together.

"MERRY CHRISTMAS!" They clinked their glasses together, digging into their meal.

"Jungwon lets pull crackers!" Aecha said and they pulled each others crackers

Aecha put on the blue paper crown inside of her cracker and Jungwon put on the green paper crown, which Jake had to help him put on.

"It looks so nice outside, we should build snowmen later!" Hanni said

"I 100% agree with Hanni" Ni-ki put his hand up, and the rest followed.

"Oh my GAWD you guys have to try to stuffing, it's so good" Micha exclaimed, her eyes widening from how good it was.

"yah, where's the gravy?"

"Use your eyes dumbass it's right in front of you" Jay pointed a the jug infront of Sunghoon

"what the flip is this?" Ni-ki pointed at the red radioactive looking sauce on his plate

"It's cranberry sauce Ni-ki" Heeseung sighed

"Bro just said 'what the flip' AHAHAH" Jake bursted out laughing with Bora

"Wha the flip dude!" Bora said in an American-english accent

"Bora, it's WHAT the flip dude" Jay corrected her

"Okay buddy" Jake scoffed


After making a big row of snowmen, they all crammed into Jungwon and Jake's dorm, cozy in their pyjamas. Because it was the holidays there was no curfew or any rules against sleepovers.

"someone help whip the cream I can't do all the work here" Sunoo rolled his eyes as he single handedly mixed the hot chocolate on the stove like it was a hard job

"I WILL!" Sunghoon and Micha said at the same time

"Don't worry Sunghoon i can do it, I'm sure you would take about 10 million years to whip the cream" Micha shot him a 'go away' look

"We'll see about that Micha, the first to do it gets to add extra to their own!" Sunghoon cheekily smiled as they opened two cartons of heavy cream

"YOU'RE ON!" Micha evilly smiled

"Where's th— AAAHHH!!!" Heeseung let out a scream that sounded like a little girl as he turned the corner.

"Did we scare you?" Jake and Bora chuckled with their Santa face masks on

"I almost had a fucking heart attack" Heeseung held onto his chest as he looked down, recovering

"But anywAAAAAHHH!!" He had a second heart attack as Aecha and Jungwon appeared on the other side of him

"What? Do we look funny?" Aecha giggled, doing ageyo in her reindeer face mask with Jungwon

"HELPP AHAHAHAHAHA" Bora bursted out laughing at her friends ageyo

"To be exact. You four gave me two heart attacks. You look horrifying."

"When can we take this off Bora?" Jungwon asked

"We can take it off now!"

"WHY DO I KEEP SLIPPING ON THE BANANAS YOU DROP!!" Hanni cried, as her, Ni-ki and Jay played Mario kart on Ni-ki's Nintendo Switch.

"BECAUSE YOU'RE A SORE LOSERR" Ni-ki replied, currently in 1st place.

"NI-KI, BE NICE!" Heeseung told him off

"YES HEESEUNG.." Ni-ki mumbled

"ITS TIME FOR SECRET SANTA!!" Bora came in with the bag of presents that were randomised.

"Wooo!!" Everyone cheered as they had their hot chocolates prepared and they sat in a circle by the TV, Micha had extra whipped cream as Sunghoon, unfortunately lost.

"Wah.. who has that big present?"

"ITS.. AECHA!!" Heeseung read the name tag


"WHAT IS THIS?" Aecha laughed as she ripped open the present wrapping

"Aecha, wake up!" Bora shook her awake

"H—huh..?" Aecha's eyes opened

"What's the matter?" Bora asked

"It.. it was all a dream after all.." Aecha mumbled to herself.


I thought I would write a more happy episode(kind of) as the rest of Chaconne is going to be depressing ☹️☝️

Thank you so much for the support so far! There's only 20 chapters left <3

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