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It was the early hours of the morning, she had been living in the Blue Blood realm for a few weeks now. Aecha moved around in her bed as her breathing was unstable.

"AAH!" She let out a blood curling scream, and the guards outside burst through the door in concern, everyone in that hallway heard her and immediately woke up

"Princess Aecha?!" Minghao at the side of her bed, while she shook

"So—somethings not right, call the doctor!" Jun called out and Hanni, who had just arrived, was already on the case

"What's wrong with her?!" Micha asked Bora who was concentrated on reading her mind

"I need to concentrate.." Bora gritted through her teeth

"W-why is she shaking?" Minghao asked

"What is wrong with my daughter?!" Aecha's parents arrived not long later

She was in a state where she was sleeping, but unable to wake up, her body shook slightly and her face made odd expressions of pain and anger.

"Where is the doctor?!" Her dad boomed

"I'm here, let me through" he entered her bedroom

"No. Let me finish this first" Bora firmly told him, and he obeyed her.

Bora was an extremely powerful human being, including controlling others. (Like sunoo)

"What is she thinking? What's happening" Hanni asked impatiently, wiping the sweat off Bora's forehead

"I.. I think she's stuck in a dream? Or someone is communicating to her? I can hear her talking to someone.."

"Who? Who is she talking to?"

"Y—y.." Bora trailed off in fear, her eyes widening

"Yang Jungwon."

"Wh.. HOW?!" Everyone exclaimed in shock

"What is he saying to her?"


"Oh my god!"

"SHUT UP! ALL OF YOU" Bora screamed, she couldn't concentrate with so many voices inside of her head.

"I— I can't hear him properly.. it's only faintly at the end of his sentences. But— we don't know if this is just a dream or he—"

"He's communicating with her." The doctor diagnosed, looking at Aecha's physical state

"How do we get her out of it?!"

"move to the side, Bora" the doctor instructed her and she followed this time.

Bora's face was pale, and she felt hot. Her breathing became staggered. And she soon collapsed to the floor.

"Bora!" Micha held onto the unconscious girl

"What did she hear..?" Hanni furrowed her eyebrows, while they proper her up against a chair until she gained consciousness

The doctor muttered some sort of spell and Aecha let out another blood curling scream, this time waking up.

"Aecha!" Her friends, family, doctor and guards said

"W.. what happened?" She ran her hand through her hair in confusion as to why her breath was so unstable and everyone was around her

"Did you.. perhaps communicate to Jungwon?"

"I— it was too realistic to be a dream.." she muttered

"What did he say to you?"

"I don't remember anything.. only when he was talking about some sort of vampire rebels?" Aecha racked her brain, but it soon faded away in the palm of her hands

"Ahh.. yes, I've heard about them. They're just causing trouble to their own realm. Only to just want to stay away from humans and close off the Earth portal"

"They were trying to capture you, because you single handedly have the power to close off the portal to Earth"

"I.. do?" Aecha tilted her head

"You're a royal hybrid, did you forget?"

"Oh, yeah.."

"Would you like us to stay with you tonight Aecha?" Bora asked, even though she knew Aecha wanted them to

Aecha nodded and the others left.

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