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"why is.. everything white? where's the floor? where.. am I?"

"Aecha!" Jungwon's voice makes me spin in circles to try and find him, his voice makes me feel comforted, yet concerned.

"J-jungwon?!" I call out, and I feel him touch my shoulder

"Aecha.." he says calmer this time, tears in his eyes

"S-stay away from me.. please keep your distance." I tremble, this might be some sort of trap the king has put in place.

Jungwon's changed.
He looks paler, and his hair grew a bit.

"Please, let me explain everything"
he pleaded

"Go on, explain everything" I cross my arms, waiting for him to explain.

"There are rebels, which sent out a message to my father, explaining that you were going to be kidnapped and sacrificed to close the portal to Earth."

"You say all of this.. but what I really want to know is.. why does your grandfather, thing king, hate me? Is it because I was a human? Or because I was a blue blood!?" I yelled impatiently, clenching my fists

"Aecha— please, let me finish.." Jungwon held onto my arms to control me but I shook him off


"Okay.. okay." He said, holding up his hands in defence while I calm myself down

"You're in danger and you've put everyone else on earth in danger. I need you to come back to the vampire world."

"How can I have put everyone else in danger when I'm not even close earth?"

"Wha.. you— you went to the Blue Blood realm?"

"My grandparents are the King and Queen of the Blue Bloods, I'm the princess. And I cannot return to Earth anymore as they have shut the gate off, honestly, I don't really mind it either. I've grown accustomed to life here."

Every word I said seemed like a spear through Jungwon's heart.

"Shit.. Aecha. You don't understand—"

"You know Jungwon. I'm starting to think this whole rebel thing is just a way for you to take me back, so your family can control me again.." tears stream down my face, and Jungwon watches me.

"I need you to listen to me. You're going to be—" he grabbed me with force

in felt some sort of weird pulse in my chest. And I looked up to him

"They're already pulling you out.." he muttered

Pulled out of what?

"Please remember what I said even if you don't believe me" he held me close to him.

Giving in, I hugged him tightly, I hate to say it but I missed his embrace, his voice, everything.

"Aecha I love yo . .  *  : 

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