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It hit like a truck, that excruciating pain came back in the centre of my chest. I yelped slightly, but only Jake heard due to the chatter of the class for discussion time.

"Aecha? What's going on?" Jake asked me and I breathed deeply

"I need— where is Jungwon?" I said through my gritted teeth

"He's in the English classroom on the bottom floor, do you need me to get out of here?"

I nodded and Jake sprung up from his seat, causing the chair to making a screeching sound against the floor. The room went silence at his abrupt move.

"Sir can I go to the infirmary I'm not feeling well, I think I need Aecha to help me"

Their physics teacher at first, gave a confused and judgmental look, but his eyes changed slightly and he nodded, allowing the two to leave.

Jake grasped onto Aecha's hand before running out of the classroom with her, giving a thumbs up to Sunoo that sat in the front row with a smirk on his face.

Aecha found her body guiding, soon overtaking Jake, causing him to relapse his grasp off of her. Next thing Aecha knew, she was crashing onto the ground.

She whined in pain, as she got up off the person she crashed into. Realising she was by the stairs of the English classrooms.

"Jungwon—?" Aecha's eyes widened at the boy that was breathing much heavier than she was.

Without saying anything, the boy hugged her tightly, initially, she tensed up, but soon wrapped her arms around the boy's torso

Why is he suffering more than me?

After a while, we sat on the bottom steps of the stairs, shoulder to shoulder.

Not long later Jake came down the stairs at his own pace, quite out of breath from running down all of those stairs.

"Are you two alright?" He asked us and we nodded

"Just about— I felt like I was gonna die" Jungwon replied

"How come you're feeling more pain than Aecha?" Jake raised an eyebrow in confusion, things weren't adding up and I could ask the same thing

"She's a still has blue blood running through her veins, i guess they don't feel pain like this as much as we do"

"How are we gonna survive the rest of the week if you guys are in different classes throughout" Jake put his hand on his chin, in deep thought

"Let's just go back home tomorrow and stay an extra week" Jungwon suggested

"I'm down for that" Jake's eyes shined at the idea of skipping two weeks of school

"Okay then, tell the others to pack their stuff for tomorrow and the portal spell ready for Heeseung" Jungwon told Jake and he nodded

It was silent for a moment, then I realised Jake was probably using telepathy to talk to them all. He whinged slightly, I assumed somebody wasn't taking the news too well.

"You're really gonna make Heeseung bald from stress one day" Jake sighed, letting out a laugh at the end of his sentence



Jungwon gently shook Aecha awake from her slumber.

"Mmm?" She mumbled, rubbing her eyes

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