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The next day came around and Aecha looked at herself in the mirror of her bathroom.

Her skin was paler than her normal skin tone, her eyes were now dark green and most importantly, she had grown fangs in her teeth.

"There's no way I can go to school.. like this" she muttered

But she couldn't miss school— her friends had already sent her plenty of messages and if she didn't attend school it would worry them even more until Bora came back to their shared dorm. She instead wore a grey hoodie with a hood and wore her black glasses, she tried to cover up her bite on her neck but now that she was paler, her concealer no longer matched.

She decided to put a fresh plaster on it instead.

After grabbing her school items for the day, she headed out of the dormitory.

Everybody from her year was coming to school from their own homes, while she was coming from the dormitory, nobody noticed though as she hung her head low.

I've never felt so drained before.
I'm craving.. something, but I don't know what is is.

She slid open the back door of her homeroom and she felt like all eyes were on her, despite not looking up.

My natural abilities are enhanced, fuck this.

She slumped herself onto her chair next to Bora, and her friends asked her a million questions as she laid her head on her desk in defeat.

"You're okay!" Ni-ki put his hand on her shoulder as the boys approached the four girls

"Aecha we need to talk at lunch" Sunghoon said to her

"Can we come?"

"Sorry, you can't— but if we finish talking to her early we'll bring her back to you"

"Oh— right.."

"Shut up, you're giving me a head ache." Aecha groaned

"Do you need medication? You get headaches a lot" Micha asked

"No this is different"

The boys shuffled away and her friends stopped talking to help their friend feel more comfortable with her surroundings, understanding that this must be hard.

Ni-ki once again took Aecha to their lunch table, but this time she sat down. She took the empty space in between Jake and Jungwon.

"Why do you need to talk to me?" She mumbled

"Because we need to explain to you what happened on the night of the ball"

"Why aren't your lips moving but I can hear you? Am I really going crazy.."

"You're not? It's one of your powers as a vampire"

"Ah.. what is this? You guys are.. vampires too?"

"We are the seven vampires"

"This isn't the time to be joking around.. I'm not in the mood, okay?"

"We're being serious."

"How can I believe that?"

"We need to teach you the ways of being a vampire in the human world"

"Can't I just go back to how things used to be? Where I had a normal life and I didn't teleport everywhere whenever I get mad?"

"I'm sorry, it's irreversible"

"I've done enough talking here" Aecha spat out as she got up from her place

They didn't bother going after her, besides one person.

He held onto the edge of her hoodie and pulled her back into an empty classroom.

"I'm so sorry, Aecha. I was the one that bit you. You'll forever face the consequences of my actions for the rest of your life." He cried out to her

"I knew it was you" she forced a faint smile and his eyes widened, "I saw your silver hair"

"Do you know what will happen to you now?"


"We're bonded for life, forever"

"What.. until we die?"

"We don't die, vampires are immortal"

"Excuse me. What."

"I can't explain it here"

"Who— fucking tell me already—"

Jungwon noticed that her eyes started to glow into an emerald shade and held onto her arms, causing the girl to jolt a little at his sudden moves

"Control yourself, you can't do that in school"

"How can I contr—" she started to argue until he pulled her into a tight embrace

Confusion, anger and a two fast beat heartbeats

Aecha froze as Jungwon hugged the girl tightly, his cologne filled her scents immediately and she heard his heartbeat through his chest as her ear laid against it.

His heartbeat was as fast as hers

Why is he doing this?

She felt her face heat up to their close contact, but soon wrapped her arms around his torso.

"I know this is difficult, Aecha.." Jungwon hushed her as she closed her eyes, "I promise I will help you through this, forever."



He grinned, and she felt the hollowness in his cheeks as he tilted his head onto hers.

"Meet me at my dorm, 305 after school"


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