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16 days


Maybe it was the weather that was making me feel this way

I felt pain, but I wasn't hurt?

I've been finding it hard to keep the happy act up, I can't smile as much as I could before.

I arrived at the training room an hour early, before Sunghoon was scheduled to arrive.

I sat by the windowsill as the rain drops fell down.

In 10 days, I'm going to be a married woman, a member of the vampire royal family.

I miss mom and dad.

I miss my little sister.

I miss my family

My actual family

They won't be here to see their daughter get married, they won't get to see me kiss my groom, or cut the first slice of cake.

They won't be here for any of it

I don't get it, why can't my own parents even be here for such an important day? Do I not matter?


I wish that Yang Jungwon had never saved me that day, and I could just watch over the world as it goes by.

Now I have to live forever, and watch everybody I know die around me.


A voice calls out to me, as footsteps approached

"Aecha? Why are you crying?" Sunghoon asked, as he put his hand on my shoulder

Just now I noticed I was crying, tears continued to fall despite how embarrassing it was that Sunghoon has just seen me in this state.

"Aecha.." he hushed me, bringing me into a light embrace

"Why couldn't he just let me die?"

"That day, if he had just let me die, everything in everybody's lives would be so much easier"

"My parents don't even know where I am, they don't even know I'm a vampire. They won't be able to see their own daughter get married"

"Everyone I know, I'm going to witness die. While I live forever"

"Sunghoon.. I just want to be human again-!"
I cried out and he rubbed my back for comfort

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