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The band began to play another song and Aecha's face lit up, she had heard it play a couple times around the castle. And by now she has memorised the lyrics.

She once again let the song control her dancing, leaving many amazed at how graceful she was.

" There will come a soldier,
Who carries a mighty sword,
He will tear your city down,
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord! "

She sang, as she skipped over to Jay and Jake, bringing them into the dance. Leaving Sunghoon a little disappointed.

" Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord! "

The crowd recited, everybody knew these lyrics

" He will tear your city down,
Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord! "

Aecha then made Jay and Jake dance in the closet circle of village people.

Jungwon clapped along to the best as he watched Aecha's smile grow wider and wider. It was clear she was in her happy place.

Her dress swished as she danced along to the song.

"There will come a poet,
Whose weapon is His word,
He will slay you with His tongue,
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord! "

Sunghoon's facial expression turned into shock as Aecha took his hand and brought him into the dance, putting him with his two best friends.

" Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord! "

"Did you really think I would leave you out?"

"I did at first."

"He will slay you with His tongue,
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord! "

Aecha turned around to the Prince in the centre of the town square, admiring the girl.

"Take my hand, Prince Jungwon~" she said to him

"It would be my please, Princess Aecha" he chuckled at her formality

" There will come a ruler,
Whose brow is laid in thorn,
Smeared with oil like David's boy,
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord! "

Aecha guided Jungwon to follow her lead with dancing and he beamed a smile at the girl that was showing him her true passion.

" Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh, Lord! "

The truth was, he had been busy preparing for the war and the upcoming wedding. He had barely any time to talk to any of his friends and Aecha.

" Smeared with oil like David's boy
Oh lei, oh lai, oh, Lord! "

Aecha held eye contact with Jungwon as she had her arms wrapped around his neck and his hands on her waist.

She felt an odd feeling in her heart, it began to beat faster and her cheeks felt warm.

" Oh lei, oh lai, oh lei, oh lai, oh~!"

Jungwon pressed his lips against hers, and she passionately kissed him back. He felt the smile through their kiss, bringing her closer to him.

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