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"Jungwon- what happened to you?! We need Hanni to heal you as soon as we get out of here!" Sunghoon's eyes widened at the gashing wound on Jungwon's stomach.

It was bad enough, considering how beaten and bruised he was from being held hostage.

They ran out of the cave, and headed towards where their horses were being held.

"What- what is this?!" Ni-ki uttered, all of their horses had been slaughtered.

"Come here you little-!" A voice snarled from behind at the group.

They didn't have time to react.

It was too late.

Hanni looked down as the sword plunged through her stomach, they all swarmed Hanni, Jay caught her before she fell to the floor. Aecha swiftly took care of the rebel that had stabbed her.

"I— ah.." tears filled Hanni's eyes, you could see the fear and pure terror in her eyes.

"Shit- shit! Hanni— stay with us!" Jay held her body, holding her close to him.

"Hanni, can't you heal yourself or something?! What do we do?!"

"I— I can't.. I feel so tired.." Hanni croaked out

"No— no! Hanni don't close your eyes, just—"Jay's tears fell on her cheeks.

"Jay.. don't cry.. don't cry.." Hanni's hand gently stroked the tears away from Jay's face

"Do we have any medical stuff!?"

"No- because Hanni was our healer!"

"Shit- Hanni, you can't leave us.. Hanni.." Aecha came to Hanni's side, holding her cheeks in her hands.

"Aecha.. please.. you need to go.." Hanni pleaded

"We aren't leaving you!" Aecha replied, tears streamed down her face.

"You have to, or you'll die..!"

"We. Aren't. Leaving. You." Aecha said

"Aecha, listen to me. As your oldest guardian angel. I'm telling you to leave now, or everyone will die."

"Hanni-.. please.."

"..go!" Hanni screamed, the blood was flowing out of her, far too much.

"No— no, Hanni!" Aecha reached out for Hanni, as Bora dragged her up

"Aecha, we have to go, okay?! This isn't easy for any of us either. But we have to survive." Bora said, she was also crying, but she was staying strong.

So they left, after much hesitation.
Seven in Red velvet, Three in Navy Blue.

The ten of them walked through the woods, all somber. They had lost their friend, healer, guardian angel, lover.

It would take maybe days to return home.

The sun was setting, they set up a small place for them to take refuge in for the night.

Jake created a small fire, for them all to huddle. Bora was rested on his shoulder, she had been silently crying since they left Hanni.

"What— what am I going to tell her parents.." Aecha buried her face in her hands, starting to cry. She had all these mixed emotions that had been building up over the past few hours.

"She's gone.. she's really gone.." Sunoo wiped his tears.

"Jay, come here.." Sunghoon brought Jay into a warm embrace.

Everyone knew, Jay and Hanni loved each other secretly. He took her to the moon ball, they often went off by themselves, their love for each other never stopped. Jay never bit her, to claim her as his of course. Back then, everyone was still hung up on the fact Jungwon and Aecha were now connected, they know it wasn't a good idea.

"What am I going to do.." Jay sobbed, the pain in his voice made the rest of their hearts shatter.
He had lost his first love.

"Things will never be the same without her" Heeseung sighed, sorrowfully.

"Hanni never talked much, she was like a mother figure, she only spoke when she knew one of us needed advice or help. She was the backbone."

"Jungwon, how is your wound?" Aecha said quietly as the others talked among themselves.

"I'll be fine until we get back" Jungwon reassuringly smiled at Aecha.

"When.. when we get back, what's going to happen? To us?" Aecha stated, it had been a question she wanted to ask of him for a long time.

"Do you think.. we'd be accepted in the Blue Blood kingdom..? After all we've done?" Jungwon said, Aecha immediately knew what he was trying to imply.

"Of course you and the others would, I couldn't back it up for the rest of your family.." Aecha replied, "The royal family would love to have you."

"You think so..? Then.. after all of this, could we live in the Blue Blood Realm? Is it safe?" Jungwon said, and the others stopped talking, listening to his suggestion.

"The blue blood kingdom without a doubt is the safest out of them all, we create the realm portals for everyone, so nobody can come in. The rebels can't reach us there, hence the reason why they never kidnapped Aecha in order to do whatever they wanted." Micha smiled

"I'd love to live in the Blue Blood kingdom, it sounds so much cooler than here.." Ni-ki said

"Ni-ki's right, but, what would we be?" Jake added

"Well, speaking as the crown princess, I'd assign you as my guards, you'll be joining Jun and Minghao." Aecha replied

"What about school?" Sunghoon asked eagerly, they had been longing to just live normal lives like they did on earth.

"We used to go to a normal school 2-3 times a week, and then the rest would be home schooling. We missed living like normal people."

"That.. would be incredible, Aecha, would you really do all of that for us?"

"Of course I would, you guys are all like family to me." Aecha honestly replied.

"Let's get some rest, and make the trek home."

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