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"Don't you realise the consequences of your actions, Yang Jungwon?!" Father yelled at me, as he shut the door behind him. Once Grandmother had swept Aecha under her feet.

"I couldn't just let her die!" I shouted in response

"You— stupid boy!" He rose his hand and slapped me on my face, I held my cheek where the pain slowly faded away

"How could you do something so irresponsible?! When the war is upon us?! Don't you understand how you're putting everybody we know at risk?"

"I— I'm sorry, father"

"Sorry isn't going to cut it Jungwon, this war is happening in just over two weeks. And I expect you to fight in it."

"Eun—" mother tried to interfere

"Enough, you have no say in this argument."

"That girl isn't even a vampire, how could you do this? Is she ever going to learn our ways?"

"She's a blue blood, father, I'll teach her how to fight, how to use our abilities for the greater good. How to be my queen."

"I just.. don't understand why you would do all of this for a girl? During this war, she may never even return to earth. Or may even die."

"I will protect her father, I promise."

Father sighed, putting his fingers on his temples, visibly frustrated.

"Yes but, can you protect her from what's going to come? Do you know what is going to happen in exactly 20 days?"

I shook my head, and he handed me a letter that had already been opened, addressed to him.

Dearest royal family members, whoever's hands this letter ends up into. Know this is a warning to the Yang Family.

We have been searching for the key to our succession of taking over Earth for many years.

What is the key? You must ask,

Well, it's the next vamprincess in line.

That's right, Kim Aecha.

The strongest blue blood of time, that is to ever be in our existence.

We will finally no longer have to aimlessly try to kill you, when we can finally have control of earth ourselves. After all these centuries.

In exactly 30 days, we will be storming the town of where the royal family's castle stands. And we will take her, so she can fulfil her destiny.

We will not go down without a fight.

Yours sincerely,

"We received this letter ten days ago"

"We can surely just send her back to Earth, and we'll protect her there!"

"If you return to Earth, it will cause mass destruction. If we come out of hiding now, who knows what the humans will think of us?"


I didn't realise, how much I would ruin this girl's life. Everything from here, is going to go down hill.

Twenty days.

I have twenty days, to make sure we are ready to face a life or death situation.

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