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Aecha walked into the training room and saw Jay waiting there for her, stretching his muscles.

"Ready for training?" He asked, handing her a basic katana.

"I think so." She nervously replied, tying her hair back into a high ponytail.

After her measurements were taken yesterday, she had her first training session with Jay to learn basic combat. She was due to be learning all seven of the family's basic skills.

The Yang's specialised taekwondo, while the Park's were renowned for their use of katanas, hence the reason why Jay was training her today.

Jay sure wasn't holding back this time like he did yesterday, his attacks and swings were full of power and would definitely cause a lot of pain even though vampires don't feel pain as much. This would.

Aecha dodged his attacks not swiftly but just so that he wouldn't attack her, sure it wasn't as graceful but she was still get used to the whole super speed thing.

Yes, Jay may have had an advantage in power, but he never paid attention to how quickly Aecha could move.

Aecha held the katana up to his throat, a smirk crawled up onto her face.

"You know Aecha, you shou—" Jay began to remark until milliseconds later she had the boy on the floor. Her foot pressing down on his chest.

"Shouldn't get too cocky?" She finished his sentence, after easily deflecting his attempt to take her down.

"You really pick things up fast, huh? Must be the blue blood in you" Jay chuckled as Aecha helped him up

After a couple more hours of training, the two were called for lunch.

They entered the dining room, where the six other vampires and the royal family sat.

"How are things with training going?" Heeseung asked Aecha and Jay as she sat down in her seat next to Jungwon

"She's finished"

"ALREADY?!" The six others exclaimed in shock

"Must be the blue blood in me" Aecha quoted Jay, causing the others to start laughing

Aecha had gotten fond of the seven vampires, they got a long very well. She seems to share an interest with all of them and they sways made each other laugh.

"Ahem" the King eared his throat for the eight teens to stop their laughter

"Our deepest apologies, your highness"

Aecha had also realised that the King and Jungwon's father weren't too fond of her, she assumed it was probably because she was a human.

"Aecha, I saw how graceful you were with Jungwon at the Moon Ball. I Hope you don't mind dancing the Chaconne with him again for your crowing?"  Jungwon's mother smiled

"It would be my pleasure"

"Miss Aecha, would you like to see what is next on your agenda for today?" Aecha's new personal maid that Grandma had assigned her asked, she was a very sweet girl


"After this, you have a two hour break before you start your training with Jino at 2pm until 6pm, then after that you shall have dinner and you have free time"

"Oh god.. okay, I need to do a lot of training to earn this title huh?" Aecha let out a polite laugh while looking at Jungwon next to her

"You could say so" he replied

She hadn't seen the boy much in the past two days, he was busy doing.. vamprince stuff? They did share a room of course but one was always sleeping when the other arrived.

Once they had all finished lunch, they all went their separate ways. Aecha decided to take a more in depth look at the castle, grandma may have given her a tour but she only told here where the rooms were.
Despite being told where everything was, she found herself lost already.

At the end of one of the hallways, was a balcony that overlooked the town below. She rested her arms on it and let the breeze brush her hair out of her face.

She had never really given it much thought about how she actually had to fall in love with Jungwon. Their relationship right now.. was awkward.

They flirt, and then act completely normal the next day, leaving Aecha utterly confused.

"Aish.. I miss my friends" Aecha sighed, if her three best friends were here right now they could give her the best advice.

She brought out her phone which she hasn't touched in two days, she figured that she would have no service here, but why not give it a shot?

She called the group





"BORA!!" Aecha practically screamed as she heard her best friend's voice on the other side







"AECHA?!" The three others exclaimed as they heard their beloved best friend on the other side

"I miss you guys so much.." Aecha sniffled

"Awh~ we miss you too" Bora replied and the other two agreed

"What's it like in the vampire world? Tell us all about it! Actually— why didn't you text us as soon as you got there? How come you can talk to us?"

"Woah chill out with the questions Bora.." Micha chuckled

"It's like, always night here. Obviously because vampires burn in the sunlight. It kind of makes me feel tired all the time"

"How come the other seven don't burn?"

"They're enhanced vampires, remember"


"Since Jungwon is the grandson of the King and Queen, I'm staying in his room. His Grandma is really nice, but I don't think the King likes me that much.."

"How could they not like THE Kim Aecha?! The first blue blood vampire!" Hanni remarked

"They've been training me really hard, like I did two hours of training with Jay today and I have another four hours of training with Jake"

"Wait explain the whole royals thing first—"



"Oopsies~ sorry"

"So like, Heeseung, Jay, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo and Ni-ki's families are all the closets families of the royals and they have been since the start of time or something. They serve the royal family basically"


"I learnt how to fight with a katana too"


"We have so much to talk about girl!"

"For real!"

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