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"AECHA! AECHA WAKE UP" I felt someone violently shake my body

"OW STOP— THAT HURTS" i groaned as I swatted away the pair of hands that were shaking me

A loud thud was heard onto the floor and a whine of pain. I snapped my neck down to see what had happened

"AH!!" I screamed as I grabbed the right side of my neck, where's unbearable pain was coming from


"AECHA WHAT'S WRONG?" A voice asked me and I opened my eyes

Hanni stood at my bed side with an extremely concerned and confused look on her face

"Did you hurt your neck during the dance yesterday? Let me see"

She carefully peeled my hands off of the pained area and let out an ear piercing scream, louder than what I just did at least.

"WHAT HAPPENED?" Micha asked as she pulled up Bora from the floor

I must've shoved Bora off of me onto the floor.

"Look.. Aecha's— neck" Hanni stuttered as she pointed at the right side of my neck

The two others peaked at it as I slightly turned my neck around

"OH MY GOD!!" Micha's face filled with horror

"AECHA— HOW DID YOU.." Bora's eyes looked like they're eye going to pop out of her sockets

"WHAT? WHAT IS IT? TELL ME?!" I frantically asked, they're worrying me, did something happen to me? Did a mosquito bite me or something?

Hanni handed me a mirror

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!" I screeched, throwing the hand mirror

It then immediately crashed into the wall

We started at the shattered mirror on the floor for a few seconds before collectively screaming in horror, confusion, and anything else along the lines of THAT

then everything hit me

"Fuck.. wait. I was" I laid back into the bed, holding my forehead with my hands

"You were bitten? By a.."


"I thought you didn—"

"Now I do. Last night, Jakah bit me."


"Let me explain."

The three of them huddled around me on the bed, ready to listen to my story.

"Last night, Bora wasn't waking up— and we know how Bora is such a light sleeper that she can hear footsteps leaving the room? She was knocked out cold."

"It's true, i have never had such a.. peaceful sleep before"

"And I got that foreboding feeling I brought up at the ball, I got scared and decided to retreat to Micha and Hanni's room"


"Bora, not the time" Hanni hushed her

"And as I was.. walking down that long ass hallway, I felt a presence and I turned around and a tall figure in a long ass hooded cloak was staring into me with RED EYES."

"Oh. My. God."

"I tried to make a run for it but he— slammed me against the pillar wall within like 0.2 seconds, bare in mind he was at least 20 metres away."

"What the.."

"Then when I asked him who he was he.. we'll y'know bit me, and it felt— horrible! After that I felt really like drowsy.. or like faint because of all the blood that was taken out of me and he caught me when I was about to fall"

"Then, he told me his name was Jakah, twice"


I hesitated

I'm not sure if the hair piece I saw real was Jungwon's it could've been anyone else's hair.

But.. he had the same curl at the end like he had at the ball.

"let's see the bite again.." Hanni leaned closer to look at the two holes at the side of my neck

"You guys don't think the seven vampires still lurk around right.. it would make sense because last night was their night, y'know?"

"I— don't know okay!"

Suddenly I felt myself fly into the corner of the room, shaking the dresser as I sat in the corner

"How the.. fuck" I removed my hands from my head as I checked my surroundings

"How did you just.."

"what in the world is happening to me?!" I screamed

Once again, I moved, within a few milliseconds, this time I was infront of my bed

"How are you doing that?" Micha widened her eyes

"I don't know"

"Do you think it's a side effect of being bitten? You guys saw how fast she flew me off her and threw that mirror" Bora said

"We should find Ni-ki" I suggested, "trust me he knows everything about vampires, he studies it so much in history— we're seatmates so"

"We should cover up your puncture in your neck first, have we got the plasters and foundation?" Micha asked and I nodded

After they attempted to hide my bite on my neck, we texted Ni-ki and he gave his directions as to where his room was a few minutes later.

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