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Their friends were halfway through watching "10 Things I Hate About You" until they were abruptly interrupted by the sound of Jungwon's door opening

"Guys..?" Aecha's slightly raspy voice called out as she rubbed her eyes

"Aecha! Don't. Move." Jay held out the palm of his hand as they all froze

"Why not?" She raised an eyebrow

"Let's go back into Jungwon's room" Heeseung ushered her back in a sat her next to a sleeping Jungwon

"What's going on? What happened?"

"You took blood from Jungwon"

"Yeah, I remember that but what happened after? What time is it?"

"Let me explain this again.." Heeseung adjusted himself before explaining what he had told Bora, Micha and Hanni earlier

"So, why didn't he just kill me? And why wasn't I under the spell?"

"We.. don't exactly know— but we think that you're a blue blood."

"A what?" The four girls asked

"A blue blood, a supernatural species that live in Earth. Although they have the physical appearance of ordinary human beings, the Blue Bloods, as supernatural species, have a far stronger organism than they let on. Not only are they resistant to most diseases, their bodies also digest food and eliminates alcohol at a much faster pace, meaning they are immune to obesity or drunkenness" Ni-ki explained thoroughly

"Is that why she's such a heavyweight? And never gets hangovers like us?" Micha realised and the three others gasped

"That makes so much more sense!" Bora exclaimed

"You guys drink?" Sunoo scoffed

"Hey, what's what supposed to mean?"

"We go to parties a lot y'know"

"Enough of that, so if I'm a blue blood, why did my family not tell me?" Aecha looked around

"They may not know, possibly some sort of spell was put on your ancestors by witches."


"Why are you surprised you just found out we're the seven vampires."

"Jesus christ— why is everyone in here?" Jungwon shook his head and sat up slowly

"You're awake!"

"Uh huh, now what's going to happen to us? How are we gonna stay together?"

"The obvious, Aecha's going to switch dorm rooms with Jake" Jay grinned

"WHAT?" Jungwon, Aecha, Jake and Bora's eyes widened

"I— i can't live with a vampire! What if he bites me in my sleep?!" Bora cried out

"I think he'd only bite you if he loved you, to share his abilities like Aecha"

"I don't not love her— I'd rather be single I can't lie" Jake put his hands in the air in defence

"How are we gonna magically switch rooms? Me and Bora live down the hallway!" Aecha exclaimed

"Don't worry, we can sort that out" Sunoo winked at her

The six boys then got to work, as the others watched intently. It was past curfew time, so no students would be out, but the security guards would. They watched as Sunoo's eyes turned into a golden colour as he talked to the guard, he walked in the opposite direction.

Jay then picked up most of Jake's items and put it outside Aecha and Bora's dorm. While Sunghoon did the same but with Aecha's items.

"How long do I have to live with him for.." Bora whined as she watched her best friends dresser get carried past them while she sat on the sofa

"Don't be too sad Bora! I'll come back as soon as possible okay?"

"I'm scared though, I don't even know Jake that well even though he was my date to the Moon Ball" Bora pouted

"Why did you go with him then?"

"He asked me first and I hadn't found a date yet so I just said yes.."

"Aish.. you and your stupid decisions" Micha chuckled a little

"Aren't rumours going to spread though.." Aecha bit her lip in slight concern

"What's wrong with a dating rumour? You're bound for life anyways" Heeseung shrugged as the rest of the boys came back into the dorm

"Is this really happening right now?" Aecha rubbed her eyes to make sure she wasn't just having an extremely long dream

"Unfortunately yes" Jay sighed

"Okay we have to go return Micha and Hanni to their dorms now while Sunoo's hypnosis is still going, we'll see you all later~" Sunoo ushered everybody out of the room, leaving Jungwon and Aecha on the couch, at a very spread apart distance

"Um... I'm gonna go shower" Aecha nervously shuffled her way over to the bathroom and Jungwon nodded, heading in the direction of his room

Aecha stood in the shower as the boiling hot water would've scorched her skin, but due to her new abilities, it felt nice.

"Am I dreaming right now.." Aecha let out a deep exhale, squeezing her eyes shut and opening them again, hoping that she would find herself awake in her actually dorm room

She accidentally slammed herself into the bathroom door as she exited the shower, rubbing her shoulder slightly as the small sting faded away.

"You good?" Jungwon called out

"Yeah—!" Aecha replied, embarrassed at the disturbance

Aecha quickly did her skincare, observing herself again. It was like her skin had gotten even paler than it was before, her beautiful tanned skin was now the same shade as Jungwon. She widened her eyes as she leaned into the mirror, looking at her green tinted eyes.

"You can have a shower now" Aecha stated as she entered her new room opposite Jungwon's


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