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After that day, Aecha never felt the same. Sure, she was still the happy girl but she had this lingering feeling in her chest of.. emptiness..

She and the girls had started to go to the school in the town, for two days a week. There was a bit of a commotion of her entrance every morning, but people found to love her due to her humble nature. It's not like Aecha could help it, she was still getting used to being a princess in a different realm.

In the vampire world, they were strict with how she could act, and they taught her how to be, "a ladylike princess". While here, since it was her own kingdom, she could relax and do what she wanted.

Her class were lovely, and weren't too pushy with asking her questions about Earth and her experiences. But she happily told them about her life before

"Woah.. you lived such a simple life just a month ago!" Minji gasped

"I know right? In the first week, I struggled in being a vampire because of the whole blood thing. Then for the next two weeks i was in a living hell. And now I've finally found peace" Aecha laughed

"Settle down class and return back to your seats, we have to begin math now" Mrs Cha hushed them and the students scurried back to their allocated seats

Aecha got lost in her thoughts once again.

One thought in particular had weighed on her mind since that night.

(Chapter 9)

"Are you uncomfortable with this?"
I hesitantly asked as i laid next to him under the sheets

"A little, but to be honest we're going to have to love each other if we don't want to die so.."

"We die if we don't love each other..?"

"We need each other to survive now,
if you die, I die"
he turned around to face her

She worried if what he said will happen soon, she had been living in the Blue Blood realm and they had been apart for a long time. She wasn't sure if he still loved her, while she loved him. But she couldn't blame Jungwon, she killed his people and caused havoc in the castle. It would be foolish to still love a monster like her.

But that night when he communicated to her, begged to differ.

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