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Bora knocked on the door, holding her phone with Ni-ki's directions on the screen

"Come in" a voice said within and they entered

"You're still sleeping?" Aecha chuckled at the boy that was curled up in his bedsheets

"Last night was.. a long night" he replied

"How so? Did you struggle to sleep too?"

"You could say so" he smiled, "anyways— what can I help you guys with?"

"Do you know what would happen if one of the seven vampires bit someone?"

Ni-ki's door creaked open and they turned around to see Jake and Sunghoon leaning against the door frame

"Why do you want to know that?" Sunghoon asked, in a very curious tone

"We.. were just thinking of it this morning as a topic of conversation— because you know that last night was the same day they went missing" Micha sheepishly smiled

"I supposed the person would die— but it depends how the vampire bit you"

"What... would the side effects be?" Aecha blurted out

"Are you saying you got bit by one of the seven vampires or something?" Ni-ki asked

I was, how did you know?

"Just curious."

"It depends on which vampire, they all have different abilities— for example, Jino has Pyrokinesis (fire) and Jakah has supernatural speed."

Aecha's three other friends hitched their breaths as they heard Jakah's ability, Aecha wasn't lying about what she said.

"Supernatural speed?" Aecha repeated and he nodded

"What are you guys talking about?" Jungwon appeared behind Aecha

"How did you.. get there so fast?" Aecha stuttered as he looked at her

His silver hair as no longer curled at the end, probably due to sleeping. And he looked a lot more tired.

"Aecha you look quite pale, are you okay?" He put the back of his hand onto her forehead as he gently pushed her bangs aside

"I— I'm fine!"

And before she knew it she was out in the hallway, within the matter of milliseconds.

"oh.. my god." Sunghoon covered his mouth in shock as he looked at the girl

Her friends, Ni-ki and Jungwon ran out of the room to see the girl.

She felt her breathing pace become faster and faster, and her heartbeat raced.
Why was this happening?

"Aecha" Jungwon called out to her from a distance

Aecha slowly turned around and they all gasped at her glowing green eyes, that slowly faded into a dark green shade.

Take me away from this place, I'll go anywhere. Please.

She felt herself move with a violent gust of wind and she found herself back in her bedroom.

She didn't think about what to gather before she left other than the masquerade mask as footsteps were heard from down the hallway.

"Aecha—" Jungwon's voice made her stop in her tracks as he stood behind her,

"Leave me.. alone" she painfully said as she teleported herself away, leaving the boy alone in her room

"is she gone?"

"I can't sense her anymore, she's gone."

"Well, find her Jungwon, you're the one that bit her."

"If I didn't, she would've been killed."

"Don't you realise you've put her in great danger now? You're forever bonded for life, is she ready for that?"

".. I don't know, I'm sorry Heeseung, I let us down."

"We will have a meeting in my room now about how we can keep her safe."

"I wish I could've gone home, but i can't let more people know about me— becoming a vampire." Aecha said to herself as she curled into her bed in her dorm

Most students go back to their homes on the night of the ball, usually the students have to stay at their dorms (it's mandatory) all the time besides during holidays, but since the ball finishes late they have a day off.

Aecha put her headphones into her ears and drowned out her thoughts with music, ignoring all of the messages her friends were sending her

we're looking for you
Aecha please come back
at least tell us where you are

Aecha where did you go????

Hope ur somewhere safe
Tell us where you are when you feel comfortable okay 🫶

*new* Yang Jungwon
Aecha did you go home?
We need to talk
I hope you're okay, text me when you're ready

*new* Nishimura Riki
Hey msg back when you can
Js wanna know if ur safe yk
You still going to school tomorrow?
I'll see you in homeroom, right?

*new* Sim Jaeyun(Jake)
Hey I saw what happened
Ik we only met last night but i how ur alr
All of ur friends are rlly worried

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