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"Aecha.. no.. no—!" Tears streamed down Jungwon's face as she exited through the portal back to earth. An explosion had taken place and the portal rim was cracked, the guards tried to frantically open it back up.

Everything, everything was a mess.

People screaming, guards running, crying.

Forty men, dead. By one girl, who everyone doubted to be a weakling.

"H-hurry! Open the portal back up! L-let me go back to her!" Jungwon screamed in anger at the guards as he tried to scramble back to the portal, Heeseung and Sunghoon held him back.

"Jungwon! It's no use!" Sunghoon struggled to hold the boy back.

He broke free from their grasps, and just stood at the lifeless portal, where Aecha had just left.

"It... it's all your fucking fault!" He yelled at the King and his father, shaking in fury.

"Jungwon!" His mother responded, she knew he was correct, why was she still on the King's side.

"She- what.. what's going to happen to her..?!" Jungwon fell to his knees, as his six friends game to his side to comfort him.

The tears wouldn't stop falling.

Aecha was in trouble.

"We're going to get her back- okay?!" Jay pulled Jungwon close to him, hushing the boy's wails.

"They're- they're going to capture her!"

After that day, Jungwon refused to speak to anyone from his family, besides his grandmother- the Queen. She was truly the only one that stood on his side from his family to this whole situation.

"What if she's been captured by the rebels?" Jungwon asked, the six boys were settled in their sleeping bags around his room

"If she was then something would've happened by now, surely" Sunoo replied, shrugging as he did so.

"Or they would've sent us a letter" Ni-ki added, stretching his arms.

"How about we try something?" Heeseung said, leaving them all on a cliffhanger.

"What is it?"

"We can try to communicate to her through her dreams" Heeseung explained

"You're telling us this a month later?!" Jay sighed

"It sucks how neither Aecha, Micha, Bora or Hanni won't answer their phones" Jake sighed, "everything would be so much easier, wouldn't it?"

"They could tell us where Aecha is- or if they've even seen her"

"Heeseung, what do I need to do?" Jungwon asked eagerly

"Alright, lay down, close your eyes"

Jungwon did as the older told him, and laid down on his bed, the others sat on the edge, Heeseung the closest.

"I'll be there, not physically in the dream like you will- but I'll be watching over you, okay?" Heeseung reassured Jungwon, and he nodded.

"Now, think of Aecha, count to 100, saying her name in between each number"

"Is this some kind of ritua—" Ni-ki blurted out


"So— you're telling me, Aecha isn't just a blue blood, but she's the crown princess?!" Sunghoon tried to get his head around how the weak girl they knew had such power

"Not only that, but Bora, Micha and Hanni too." Sunoo added

"How.. how does this happen? They've always seemed like normal people, their aura was never different to humans. They've lived on earth all of their lives!" Jay stated

"Well, they might have not have been born on Earth, you know."

"So many unanswered questions.."

"Who took her out of the dream?" Ni-ki asked Jungwon, who was recovering from it.

"I don't know.. before I woke up, Aecha kept looking around as if someone was calling her name." Jungwon replied, sighing.

"Probably a doctor or something" Heeseung guessed, furrowing his eyebrows

"Blue bloods are powerful, alright."

"Especially the enhanced ones, like the royal family."

"This is making my head hurt."

"Let's get some actual sleep now."

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