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"They're coming through!"

The Vampire Kingdom's portal bursted into a light blue colour.

"Aecha, it's so wonderful to see you again. I see brought knights?" The King said, a little judgmental on the fact Aecha brought company with her. The Queen, Jungwon's parents and the six boys stood on the side.

"Why don't we be more respectful to my angels before we both to speak out of our mouths again?" Aecha coldly replied, he narrowed his eyes at her.

They took off the hoods of their cloaks, and the boys were shocked to see Bora, Micha and Hanni along side Aecha.

"Let's be clear. I'm here to save Jungwon. I'm not here for any other chit-chat. Got that?" Aecha continued, and the king nodded after much hesitation.

"Yes.. Aecha" the King gritted through his teeth

"That's Princess Aecha, to you." Aecha spat.

"Let's go to a private room, shall we?" Heeseung suggested, "just us going in the mission."

The four girls nodded, and they were taken to a room. As soon as the doors shut they let out a sigh of relief.

"Fucking hell it's a bit dark here isn't it?" Bora judged the outside, which was just a dark red colour for a sky, "is it just constantly dark here?"

"Since when were you guys.. blue bloods? And angels? What?" Jake tried to get his head around how Aecha's three regular friends were actually Blue Bloods. They had so many questions they've been wanting to ask them.

"Surprise. It's something called being secretive and sneaky." Micha replied sarcastically

"Since we were born we were assigned to be Aecha's guardian angels, so when she left the blue blood kingdom so did we."

"Enough about that. How can we save Jungwon? What's the route?" Aecha hushed them all, wanting to get a move on. "Once we get this plan sorted then we can talk, yeah?"

"Yeah, here." Heeseung used his finger to make the route that they would have to take, and stopped where they would eventually have to let Aecha go by herself a little bit more forward.

"Okay.. now I feel a bit more at ease.." Aecha let out a sigh of relief, going back to her old self.

"You really scared me back there, you looked hella intimidating!" Sunoo let out a sigh of relief, putting his hand on his heart.

"I have never seen you do that before" Bora added

"Does she not act like that around the castle in the Blue Blood realm?" Heeseung tilted his head

"Nah, not really. Our kingdom is actually nice and respectful, and it's got a very positive, enlightening mood." Hanni replied, basically the opposite to the Vampire Realm.

"Plus, it's my kingdom so it's not like I can't do anything I want" Aecha shrugged as they all sat down to talk.

Aecha never resented the boys for what happened, it was never their fault.

"Wait so you don't have curfews? And you don't have to sneak out? What about training?" Jay asked eagerly, confused as to how Aecha had no restrictions

"Nope, no curfews, we go to the school in the kingdom a couple days a week and then we do home schooling. I have training for an hour each day to see if I can unlock my ability" Aecha explained

"You already have an ability, what do you mean?" Sunghoon tilted his head

"You know, vampires aren't the only people that can have special abilities" Micha said as she turned invisible



"I'm still here~" she reappeared behind Sunghoon in his chair


"You all have abilities?" Sunoo asked

"Only enhanced Blue Bloods have them"

"Oh shit.. okay.. so what can you do then?" Jake covered his mouth as he pointed at Bora and Hanni

"Mind reading and controlling"


"Why are their powers so much cooler than ours?" Ni-ki crossed his arms

"So Aecha still hasn't found hers yet?"

"Nope" Aecha sighed, she hesitated, "I.. still feel bad for that day."

"Well.. I mean, you had every reason to
be upset, however.." Jay replied, trailing off at the end

"It was wrong of me. I'm really sorry." Aecha stood up and bowed.

"It's okay, don't worry" Heeseung ushered her to sit back down.

"Is the Blue Blood kingdom just better in everything? Your outfits are so cool too.." Sunoo complained, looking at their blue velvet cloaks and outfits underneath

"We got them customised" Hanni showed off

"The seamstresses are so nice" Aecha said

"You can talk to them?"

"It might shock you how in the Blue Blood Kingdom, you have a lot of freedom."

"We should do some training"

"I agree, and then get an early night's sleep for tomorrow morning's departure."

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