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TW : mentions ED and weightloss

The sun shone into Aecha's room, waking her up.
She got out of bed, sliding on her slippers and she skipped down the hallway.

"Good morning Minghao, Good morning Junhui!" She said to her trusted guards.

"Good morning Princess Aecha." Minghao replied

She was the sunshine in their castle for sure, her presence made the whole room light up. Aecha had been getting used to the royal lifestyle in the Blue Blood Realm, and loves going to meet the townspeople whenever she could and she didn't have any specific duties that were forced upon her.

Of course, she resumed her schooling but with a private teacher. She had classes with Bora, Micha and Hanni, obviously because they were her guardian angels. The only class she had alone was her training to hopefully unlock her special ability as a blue blood.

"Jun, Minghao, would you like to join me and my friends for breakfast?" She asked them, hoping that one day they would give in and do the following.

"Unfortunately we cannot, your majesty, we are not allowed to let our guards down" Jun replied, and she nodded

"Morning girls~" she chirped, the other three said their mornings as she sat down in her seat

"The one good thing about home schooling is that we don't have double classes, remember when we would have double physics, double maths and add maths? That was torture" Micha laughed

"OH MY GOD— that sucked! That's the only thing I don't miss" Bora exclaimed, she hated anything to do with maths.

"I miss our teachers and our classes though, I can't help but feel disheartened I never got to say a proper goodbye" Aecha sighed

Recently, she had been feeling waves of sadness, remembering that her life in Earth will never be what she has now.

"How about I ask if we can go to the private school in the town? For a couple days a week?" Hanni suggested, feeling bad for her friend.

"R—really? You would do that?" Aecha's eyes twinkled

"Of course Aecha! Whatever makes you happy makes us happy"

The four chatted about what Aecha missed, and the exciting things she could do in town tonight.

"Ah, before I forget— Minghao don't I have something different on my schedule today?" Aecha remembered and he nodded

"Yes, Princess you have your measurements taken in half an hour. Then you will go to your classes in the west wing of the castle like usual" he repeated out

"Thank you Minghao, well I better get going girls, see you in class!" Aecha waved goodbye to her friends as her and her guards left.

She often just zoomed back to her room, and bb the time she had gotten ready, the guards had only gotten back. She found it very amusing, and a very motivating way to get ready.

"Princess Aecha, it's a pleasure to finally meet you!" Presumably, the head maid bows to her

"Ah, no need to be so formal with me, what are your names?" Aecha smiled, as the five started to take her measurements

"I'm Chaewon, the head of this department"

"I'm Sakura, it's so nice to meet you Princess!"

"I'm Yunjin!"

"I'm Kazuha, you're so pretty"

"I'm Eunchae.. I'm really sorry if I'm not as fast as the others, I'm new to this job.."

"It's alright" Aecha chuckled at the youngest, who was nervous as ever.

"Gosh.. Princess you are quite thin, thinner than the average person.. come to this weighing scale" Sakura gasped and Aecha hesitantly stepped on the scale

The five of them gasped in shock as the scale read 37kg (81 pounds)

"Oh my! Princess Aecha.." they immediately felt sorry for the girl

"Don't worry.. it's just when I was at the Vampire realm and I skipped a few days of eating that's all.."

"A FEW DAYS? Princess you should prioritise your health!" Kazuha furrowed her eyebrows

"I did— it's just they.. didn't feed me sometimes that's all.!"

"They starved you?!" Yunjin covered her mouth

"N—not too much.. it's nothing to worry about"

"They didn't made you do a lot of exercise too did they?"

The silence gave the five seamstresses a clear answer, and they all gave Aecha a hug

"I promise I'm trying to do better.. it's just I can't seem to get back into the routine like I used to"

"We believe in you Princes, hwaiting!" Eunchae encouraged her, making Aecha smile brightly at the younger's enthusiasm

"Now, let's finish these measurements shall we girls?" Chaewon said and they all agreed

"Thank you, I'll see you all soon!" Aecha bid farewell to the five new friends she made and started to walk to the west wing of the castle with her two trusty guards

"Ahh.. I think I forgot my—" Aecha groaned

"History book?" Junhui handed Aecha her history textbook, it had become a pattern that after an activity she would forget to bring the book that she had for her class after.

"Thank you Jun!" She beamed a smile at him

"Now how about we race?" She mischievously smirked, and the other two look at each other with an 'again?' look, before agreeing

"Okay I'll give you guys a head start, 5 seconds go!" She announced and the bolted down the hallway for 5 seconds, and in milliseconds Aecha made up for that time, zooming past them.

She waited two minutes for her guards to arrive outside her classroom.

"I win!" She grinned, she won everytime.

"Ah Aecha, take a seat." Her history teacher welcomed her.

She sat by the window, which had a beautiful view of the kingdom, suddenly lost in her thoughts.

you know Jungwon.. I really wonder how you're doing. There's not a day that I don't think about you at least a million times.

As much as I hate you right now,

I miss you so much.

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