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"Welcome, to the Moon Ball!" The king of the Blue Blood Realm announced, earning an around of applause.

"Now, introducing— crown princess Aecha, and Prince Jungwon!"

The pair walked down the stairs, arms linked, wearing the exact same masks they wore two years ago.

It was different this time, Jungwon wore a light blue tie, and Aecha was dressed in a light blue dress to compliment him.

Jungwon's trimmed back his wolf cut hair, but it had already grown back, he had the same bow hair tie Aecha had given him the practice they had the day before, two years ago

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Jungwon's trimmed back his wolf cut hair, but it had already grown back, he had the same bow hair tie Aecha had given him the practice they had the day before, two years ago.

The pair beamed smiles, as the people below cheered and gasped at their breath taking outfits.

one year after Hanni's death

"What if we host a moon ball next year?" Aecha thought out loud

"That would be so cool!"

"We all have some sort of connection to it, it's how we all met and became a group" Aecha explained

"Hanni would've loved that idea, we can think of it as a way to remember her" Heeseung smiled

They all liked the idea of hosting a Moon Ball, like the old times on Earth.

"I don't really know how to host parties- or even balls though.." Aecha furrowed her eyebrows

"Uh— hello? Did you forget we were the sons of the hosts of the Moon Ball back then? We can help you!" Sunoo added


A natural occurrence of course.

Some wish things would go back to how they used to be.

We can't help it, can we?

"And now, it's time for a traditional dance,
the Chaconne!"

Jungwon met eye to eye with Aecha, wrapping his hands around her waist while she placed her hands on his shoulder.

Their pair looked into each other's emerald green eyes behind the mask.

Only the music being played could be heard, everyone's breaths were taken at the elegant sight of the traditional vampire dance.

"Hanni would have loved this." Jay sighed, with a content smile.

"I agree" Ni-ki chimed in.

"Let's take a photo, shall we? We should treasure these memories while we're young so we can tell our children."

"Children?! I don't ever wanna grow up to be wrinkly~"

"Unfortunately that's how life goes now that we actually age, Sunoo."

The seven boys' curse was now broken, they would no longer live for eternity. Yes, they kept their powers and their fangs.

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