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A figure in a long hooded cloak stood around 20 metres away from Aecha, she couldn't identify who it was as his hood shadowed, besides two red eyes staring into her soul

Oh my god what is this? Am I dreaming? Is this some kind of nightmare?

I swear my heart just fell out of my ass what the fuck is that demon.

Do I run? Or nah?

Should I just admit my fate and die to this thing?

Fuck it im running I'm so close to their room

Aecha turned back around to run and she felt a strong force against her shoulders and immediate pain in her whole back as the hooded figure slammed her against the pillar wall

He was tall, very tall. Yet in the moonlight she still couldn't see his face

"W-who are you?"

The cloaked man put his hands around her waist, causing her to shiver a little at his cold hands on her bare skin due to her wearing a short top.

"Answer me! Wh—"

Before she could finish, the cloaked figure leaned into her and her eyes widened at the sight she saw


Shiny, white fangs.

He opened his mouth and dug straight into her

Aecha cried out in pain but it was muffled as he used one of his hands to cover her mouth

She felt herself become weaker and weaker, as the now identified to be a vampire sucked her blood out of her, she tried to push him away but he wouldn't budge one bit.

After what felt like forever, he released his fangs from her neck.

Fuck that hurts like a bitch..

Aecha felt herself become drowsy and started to lose her balance.

The vampire caught her as she felt towards, she held onto him so tightly even though he had just sucked way too much blood out of a teenage girl.


He said as she looked up at him

What... is he calling himself one of those seven vampires?

"My name, is Jakah."

Aecha felt her heart stop momentarily as a very familiar perfectly curled silver piece of hair revealed itself from the shadowed cloak's hood

She knew exactly who had the same coloured and styled hair.


His breath hitched, before waving his hand over her face.


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