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Aecha stumbled back, finding herself back in the woods she once was not many days ago.

Her haggard breath filled the silence

Where was she going to go?

Before she gave any of that further thought,
she changed out of her blood stained dress into some of her normal coloured clothes that she had missed wearing, she had to wear the Yang's clothing during her stay at all times.

Aecha wrapped the katana in her dress before stuffing it into her bag along with her nunchucks, she unlocked her phone and called the first people she thought about, her parents.


"Mom can I come home?" She said, her voice trembling, she hadn't heard her mothers voice in so long.

"Of course dear, shall I come pick you up?"

"No! I mean— no, it's fine. I'm almost there anyways"

"Ho— never mind, I'll see you soon darling"

Aecha lived relatively far away from her school, but obviously with her super speed abilities this was no problem. Even though her belongings made her a bit slower, she still got to her house in 3 minutes.

ding dong.. ding dong.. ding dong..

"Why is neither of them answering?" Aecha sighed digging through her bag for her keys.

"Aecha..! Quickly!" Her dad hissed as he cracked open the door, scooping her in

He locked the door and her mom stood ahead of her

"What's going on?"

"You're a Vampire? No— You're the vamprincess?" Her dad asked, she couldn't tell if he was asking her or stating.

"Aecha, do you understand what this means?"

"No— what why are you saying this?" She replied

"No, you're the strongest vampire to exist"

"HU—" her eyes widened, but her father covered her mouth to keep her quiet

"We're blue bloods, Aecha. We're advanced humans basically"

"Yeah, I know that. Jungwon told me"

"Okay good! So we can cut down on the explaining, it's time to go back home" Aecha's mom clapped her hands together as she rolled a suitcase into the hallway

"Home? Can you explain where we're going?" Aecha asked as her parents led her into the basement

"We're going to the world of blue bloods, where we are from. We cannot stay here anymore it's not safe."

"But.. my friends..!" Aecha muttered

"Don't worry about them"

"What do you mean?"

"We'll tell you later"

After performing some sort of spell, a blue portal appeared. It looked different to the vampire portal obviously.

"Let's go honey" Aecha's mom held her hand as she guided her through, while her dad followed behind with the suitcase and Aecha's bag.

"They have arrived!" A guard announced as they came out the other side

Aecha couldn't help but feel a sense of Deja vu, the room looked completely different. Yet, she found herself thinking back to when she first entered the vampire world.

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