Why Does Estonia Want To Join The Nordics?

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Sweden: I'll ask this one-
Finland: It's my question!
Sweden: ...
Finland: Fine, but I'm coming with you!
Sweden: Hey, Estonia! Come here a minute!
Estonia: Oh, hello!
Finland: Can I ask you something, Eesti?
Estonia: ...Ok, what's up?
Finland: I was just wondering-
Sweden: Why the hell do you want to join the Nordics so badly?
Estonia: I-I just want friends...
Sweden: You have friends, though?
Estonia: Other than my sisters, I don't...
Finland: There's Poland...
Estonia: He's Lithuania's best friend, I barely know him.
Finland: UN?
Estonia: He's everyone's friend, he doesn't count!
Finland: Fair point...
Sweden: OK, you want friends, but why us?
Estonia: You're cool, we have similar culture, I used to live with Finland-
Sweden: You did?!
Finland: Briefly, she did, yes...
Sweden: Oh...
Phone: *rings*
Sweden: *picks up* It's Denmark. Norway set the house on fire! AGAIN!
Finland: We should go... Bye, Eesti!
Estonia: Uhm... bye...?!
Finland: NO HE WILL NOT!

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