Is Czechia Ok?

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UN: Czechia! I have a question for you!
Czechia: Ooh, ok!
UN: Firstly, you're the favourite country of legends_nika :D
Czechia: Awhh, really? Well thank you! *blushes and smiles*
UN: Awhh, that's sweet... And the question is, are you ok after everything that happened to you in WW2?
Czechia: Oh! Well... I'm better now, but it was a tough time... For a while afterwards I was a really different person... I didn't like talking to anyone and I barely slept because of the constant nightmares... but Slovakia and Austria got me a therapist and being in the EU has really helped me! So I'm alright now, but it took a while to get here...
UN: That's good! That's really good, you should be so proud of that...
Czechia: *shrugs* I guess... I'm just glad someone cares, to be honest!
UN: Want a hug?
Czechia: Of course! *hugs the UN*

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