America Rates His Rappers!

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USA: Hello! It's UN's day off, so I'm taking over! Questions? NO! We're rating American rappers!
Canada: wHy-
USA: Why not?
Canada: But-
USA: *yeets Canada away* Anyway, let's start!
50 Cent - Epic, money-related name! Love it! Like his music... That one with Ed Sheeran was good (Remember The Name)... And dude's been through a lot and he's really come back from that murd*r attempt stronger than ever and is doing himself proud! 7/10! Congrats, bro!
Kanye West - ...No. Don't like him. Total butthole. 2/10
Nicki Minaj - OK! She's our queen! Love her! She's done some great songs and is an absolute idol! She's not actually American, but I love her anyway! 8/10!
Snoop Dogg - First of all, great name! Haven't heard much of his stuff in a while, but what I remember was pretty good! 6.5/10!
Eminem - Legend! And named after sweets! Lose Yourself - classic! True, he has a lot of political opinions in his songs, but he's a legend nonetheless! 9/10!
Lil Nas X - Ooh, a more recent one! I like his music! MONTERO is a favourite of mine... 7/10!

That's all for today! Hopefully Canada doesn't tell UN about this! See y'all later!

I used a list of 50 American rappers for this and these were the only ones I knew... ;-;
Stormzy is the only rapper I'd get Ame to give 10/10, but he's British, so he doesn't count for this... ;-;
Hopefully this isn't too disappointing lol-

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